I appreciate the info about apps that have known problems, and the fixes (e.g., disabling push for e-mail, etc.). And I agree with the person who said it's not a wise idea to download/install a beta when one (a non-developer) doesn't have the documentation.
That being said, I'm wondering if there is indeed a place where non-developers can at least get a list of info like the fixes described above?
FWIW, I assumed that an Apple iOS beta would be at least as stable as, say, Microsoft products that are in beta. It seems, however, that there's little backward compatibility built in to the beta iOS. Good example: my online banking app. Assuming that I'm not having the problem where my wifi connection seems to die, even though the iPad says it's alive and working, when I try to login, rather than having a box that says "User Name," I'm presented with something like #_user$name!_%_# (I'd tell you what it actually says, but today it won't load.) So, I made the assumption that the iOS 4.2 beta would be at least as stable as a MSFT beta or pre-release candidate version of software, in that documents or programs created in previous versions would be nearly fully functional. (Again, I realize this was a mistake -- perhaps an ignorant mistake -- on my part.)
If anyone has a workaround for the issue created by the loss of connectivity via WiFi (short of rebooting -- which I'm doing between 15 and 25 times a day), please let me know. It typically happens when the unit has been in powersave mode for a while, or when I connect to a new WiFi network after being on a different network for a while. It shows that WiFi is connected, but any apps that need Internet (mail, Safari, etc.) report that the unit is not connected to the Internet.