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iOS 5.0.1

Updated 2iphones 4, iPhone 4s and an IPad each took about or less than 10 minutes using Wifi. Apple servers are working over time to meet the demand.
Apple Rocks.
Funny: One of the 5.0.1 improvements is it "Improves voice recognition for Australian users using dictation."

I upgraded three iPads, two iPhones and a touch. All updated quickly and without problem.
Hayles66 said:
Yes! If you've got iOS 5 on your iPad go into settings - general - software update - it will check for update and you can download from there. 10 mins max. Try it!

Thanks! Couldn't find the way to get the update until I found your post. Worked like a charm in just a few minutes over wifi. Really like this new way of doing updates. Much better than fooling with the laptop!

Never, never, never give up -- Winston Churchill
Put my ipad2 on an overnight charge and when I disconnected it from the power supply this morning and woke it up, there was a notification that an upgrade to 5.0.1 was available. It installed while I was sitting with a cup of coffee, no need to fire up the PC. Great for me as I had to get my grandson to do the big upgrade to ios5. I now feel quite liberated at having handled an OS upgrade on my own with no help from grandson! Did it without any hitches at all.
Apple has done an excellent job and upgrades are easy for any one. Backup can be either via wifi to your computer or iCloud
Hcsg01 said:
Here's a question how do I do the install if I don't have access to wifi (access via 3G). Any thoughts

Hmm, well I got the update last night using a 3G myfi although this obviously tricks the iPad into thinking that it is a normal wifi connection.

The Archangel
OK so - for those of us that did NOT upgrade to iOS 5.0, is this latest version the "one" we should get? Im ready to make the jump, I just hate messing with things that work perfectly which my unit does right now. :)

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