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iOS 5.0.1

GoPackGo said:
I haven't tried iCloud, but wouldn't it not work because it's only 5 free GB and my iPad is a 16?

You should be fine, music, apps, etc bought from iTunes don't really get backed up as iTunes has them already so it really only backing up stuff that isn't available from iTunes (your own data, photos, etc). That's why you don't need an equivalent amount of space in the iCloud as you have on your iPad.

The Archangel
I'll back up the important files, and I noticed I can choose what to back up and what not to. With my iPhone (that I get soon) I'll back up a lot more stuff, like contacts, pictures.

I felt dumb for not getting iCloud. Now I do.

Say I back up some pictures in the Cloud, but then I move them via Dropbox to my computer. They'd disappear from the Cloud the next time I backed up, right?

Sorry for going slightly off-topic. Off to back up to iCloud and then get this update. Hope it fixes the battery life like it says it will!
Well, I just took the scary step :) of updating to iOS 5.01 and it actually went pretty well. There was one point when the iPad restarted or whatever and it came up in Chinese! I was a little nervous but it all ended up OK. There was also a point when the backup or whatever stopped and I got some weird error message that said something like "Restore stopped because the pairing file was not found". I was crapping my pants.... But it was for naught since I just removed the cord from my PC and then reconnected and everything went smoothly thereafter. Who knows what half this stuff really means?

So far so good though. I'm past being nervous about the OS update and everything is working well. :D
That's just great. I have heard someone else have the Chinese thing happen too, but all was well in the end. Now just start enjoying it all!!
iCloud worked after 3 and a half long hours (it was my first time backing it up). Updated 5.0.1 while I was in the shower and it went effortlessly. The battery does seem better. (Though I didn't think iOS 5 really drained my iPad much.) Way to go, Apple!
The idea of OTA is that you no longer need to hock up your IOS device to your PC/Mac. It is so much simpler and it just works.5.0.1
Works well and has drastically improved my device(s) battery life. Be sure to reset ( home key plus power key together) to enjoy the upgrade.
55julie55 said:
You could of learned a new language it it hadn't rectified its self.
Hee hee....
Well done for being brave

Right - Chinese would be an interesting language to learn. :)
I've also noticed that my speed is better. The speed test app just upgraded and when I tried it I got much better numbers. Before my iPad was much slower than my computer. (I do have cable high speed broadband)
That's great to hear. I love updates now. I wonder how my iPad will cope with larger updates?

Sent from my fantastically wonderful witiPhone using iPF
Same here for iPhone 4. It got stuck and I had to reset and restart. It took quite a while but then all was back working (I followed this link instructions on Apple support for "Resolving update and restore alert messages"). Updated iPad 1 over the air and it was ready and updated in minutes.
Blackbelt said:
The idea of OTA is that you no longer need to hock up your IOS device to your PC/Mac. It is so much simpler and it just works.5.0.1
Works well and has drastically improved my device(s) battery life. Be sure to reset ( home key plus power key together) to enjoy the upgrade.

I didn't think to do a reset when I upgraded to 5.0,1 - is it too late to do it now, even although I have powered off a few times since?
I don't think upgrading 5 to 5.0.1 will cause any problems, but I backed up to iCloud anyway. And I think it automatically restarted when the download was done - I wasn't sure, I was out of the room.
I can't upgrade the ipad1 to 5.1 for some reason during download it comes up with an error, yet I upgraded my ipad2 no trouble. It does about three quarters and then come up with, error file failed.
saphire said:
I can't upgrade the ipad1 to 5.1 for some reason during download it comes up with an error, yet I upgraded my ipad2 no trouble. It does about three quarters and then come up with, error file failed.

Keep trying. I know it's frustrating, but eventually it will work. If not, back up the iPad and do a hard reset and try again, maybe? :(

Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF

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