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iOS 5 and 5.0.1 Upgrade Troubleshooting

My download isn't working, I have downed everything like you suggest but the ipad backup is taking a long, long time so I have rebooted several times to the same thing. Is this high traffic in the download or me in particular?
My download isn't working, I have downed everything like you suggest but the ipad backup is taking a long, long time so I have rebooted several times to the same thing. Is this high traffic in the download or me in particular?
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The iOS 5 download and entire upgrade process can take a long, long time for some...some have reported several hours. I would let it do its thing. Unless it shows an error it's probably still working. There is no doubt that there's high traffic on Apple's servers since it's still the weekend in the U.S. Well over a million folks just bought the iPhone 4s as well so they're busy downloading apps, backing up, restoring and such too.

The amount of data, Apps, etc. as well as the speed of your broadband connection can have a great deal to do with it as well.

Have some patience and you should be rewarded.

Welcome again and enjoy!
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Another helpful tip:

If your iPad 2 is Jailbroken, and when trying to update it to iOS 5 in iTunes, and you get error message "The iPad (name of iPad) could not be restored. This device isn't eligible for the requested build.", and you even tried to restore or put the iPad 2 in DFU before trying to update/restore isn't working.

You need to:

Open Terminal> Copy and Paste this: sudo nano /private/etc/hosts >Press Enter>Enter your admin Password (If you don't have one, you MUST create one in order to complete this) Press enter..Also, Even if you're typing it in, it's going to look like you aren't doing anything.>Use the down arrow on your keyboard until you reach the last line (should look something like this: gs.apple.com)> then manually type in # then press the space bar once> then control X to exit/save.> Close iTunes then reopen it and connect your iPad and hit restore. (Make sure you backup your data before you try this).

If it gives you the same error, Go back into Terminal, and check to see if the # with the space after was saved correctly!

iOS 5 Upgrade Troubleshooting Only

Just a reminder that this thread is for iOS 5 upgrade troubleshooting, not for posting problems after upgrading. We've had to move several posts to other areas.

If you are having a problem after upgrading, please search the forum for answers first. If you don't find an answer, post your question in the appropriate area (Help, iCloud, Apps, etc.). TIA!
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Issues upgrading IPAD 2 to IOS 5 using itunes 10.5 on Windows 7

I started the upgrade of my ipad2 16GB wifi using itunes 10.5 on windows 7 64-bit to IOS 5 and then hit a problem with an "unrecognized USB device" error message from Windows. I had been upgrading whilst connecting my ipad to the usb port on my Dell monitor - this setup worked fine for previous IOS upgrades before but seems something changed this time.

I got stuck in the ugly position of having a IPAD not working but itunes download would fail every time after downloading the code and booting the ipad. I am not sure if this is coincidence but I had received a Windows "Apple Mobile device Support" upgrade the day before trying to upgrade the ipad 2. Unfortunately Windows restore failed and so I was unable to reverse that Windows upgrade.

Eventually I exhausted my level of competence on Apple devices and so I decided to reinstall Windows 7 64-bit (thank goodness it is a fairly recent system). I tried the IOS upgrade immediately after the Windows 7 re-install using itunes 10.5 but with AVG 2012 turned off but with the usb cable connected to the Dell monitor USB port. Even with the new Windows I got a itunes 1611 error code message which implied the usb cable had issues and so I connected the usb cable to the back of the PC system unit and disconnected all other usb devices except the mouse receiver. The IOS upgrade finally went through as a new installation.

I cannot post links as I have too low a post count but search for "Resolved: Problems installing iOS 5 GM on iPad 2 using Win7" and this take you to macrumors forum post. I found that link to be very useful for me.

I lost my all IPAD apps, music, photos, videos, podcasts which is an unpleasant surprise and a disappointing outcome from the upgrade - thank goodness I had not spent much money on them.

Overall the experience cost me several hours of anguish. I'm now fearful to upgrade my wife's IPAD 2. Let's hope second time is a better experience.
I started the upgrade of my ipad2 16GB wifi using itunes 10.5 on windows 7 64-bit to IOS 5 and then hit a problem with an "unrecognized USB device" error message from Windows. I had been upgrading whilst connecting my ipad to the usb port on my Dell monitor - this setup worked fine for previous IOS upgrades before but seems something changed this time.

I got stuck in the ugly position of having a IPAD not working but itunes download would fail every time after downloading the code and booting the ipad. I am not sure if this is coincidence but I had received a Windows "Apple Mobile device Support" upgrade the day before trying to upgrade the ipad 2. Unfortunately Windows restore failed and so I was unable to reverse that Windows upgrade.

Eventually I exhausted my level of competence on Apple devices and so I decided to reinstall Windows 7 64-bit (thank goodness it is a fairly recent system). I tried the IOS upgrade immediately after the Windows 7 re-install using itunes 10.5 but with AVG 2012 turned off but with the usb cable connected to the Dell monitor USB port. Even with the new Windows I got a itunes 1611 error code message which implied the usb cable had issues and so I connected the usb cable to the back of the PC system unit and disconnected all other usb devices except the mouse receiver. The IOS upgrade finally went through as a new installation.

I cannot post links as I have too low a post count but search for "Resolved: Problems installing iOS 5 GM on iPad 2 using Win7" and this take you to macrumors forum post. I found that link to be very useful for me.

I lost my all IPAD apps, music, photos, videos, podcasts which is an unpleasant surprise and a disappointing outcome from the upgrade - thank goodness I had not spent much money on them.

Overall the experience cost me several hours of anguish. I'm now fearful to upgrade my wife's IPAD 2. Let's hope second time is a better experience.
Welcome to the forum and thanks very much for the detailed report. As mentioned in the first post, having the USB cable connected directly to the computer seems to have resolved issues for a lot of people. (Some had to use their original Apple USB cable as well.)

All of the Apps, music, videos that you purchased from Apple can be downloaded again for free. Just sign into the App Store on your iPad...or via iTunes and download them. More here:

Apple - iTunes - Inside iTunes - Download Previously Purchased Songs, Apps, and Books

Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store

Did you make a backup of your other files before reinstalling Windows? If so, all of the files should be there.

Thanks again and let us know how it goes!
Thanks for the link. Yes I did a backup using itunes before I started the upgrade process. I just when into the purchased tab on the apps store on the IPAD and as you said I can download them for again - phew what a relief!
Thanks for the link. Yes I did a backup using itunes before I started the upgrade process. I just when into the purchased tab on the apps store on the IPAD and as you said I can download them for again - phew what a relief!
Glad to help. Enjoy the forum...and your "new" iPad!
Error 3194

Had the "An unknown error occured. (Error 3194)" happen to me. I had iTunes 10.5 on Win 7 (64-Bit). Came across a helpful website after a quick Google search. It instructed me to erase "gs.apple.com" from my hosts file, located in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc. Works like a charm, and backup is restoring as we speak. :thumbs:
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Had the "An unknown error occured. (Error 3194)" happen to me. I had iTunes 10.5 on Win 7 (64-Bit). Came across a helpful website after a quick Google search. It instructed me to erase "gs.apple.com" from my hosts file, located in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc. Works like a charm, and backup is restoring as we speak. :thumbs:
Glad to hear things are working out. Thanks for the tip!
I have had my iPad 2 for 3 weeks and now I have a question, please. Will just synching my iPad begin a download of IOS5? If so, how do I not do this?
Many thanks.
Syncing your iPad with iTunes will not cause an update/upgrade to iOS 5. You will always have to confirm that you want to upgrade either manually by clicking on the "Check for Update" button in iTunes or by confirming a pop-up if one appears.

Here's how to update:


Prior to upgrading to iOS 5 you might want to take a look at these the tips in the first post:

iOS 5 Upgrade Troubleshooting

FWIW the iOS 5 upgrade to my iDevices went without a hitch.

Hope that helps!

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