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iOS 5 and 5.0.1 Upgrade Troubleshooting

If you interrupted the process before it restored from you backup, that could happen, and it's been to occasionally happen even if you did a restore from backup.

If it's important enough, connect it back to the computer and try a Restore from Backup. You'll lose anything you've done since that backup though, so keep that in mind. If you've backed up or synced using iTunes since updating the iPad, it's already too late. iTunes only keeps one backup.

The option show up when you right click on the iPad in iTunes.

It may not work; but it is the only thing that has a chance of working.
Hmmmm, ****, not sure I did a Backup, or is that automated as part of the process?

It prompted me to transfer apps which were not on the computer, but don't recall it prompting about a Backup...downloaded upgrade, did upgrade, did restore...I never interupted it whatsoever, it said it was all all completed, no actions still happening, but yeah, all saved data gone, all file/folders gone
Open iTunes on the computer, go to Preferences and the Devices tab. It will show you your backups along with the date of the last backup. If that's the date you did the update, you're probably good to try the Restore from Backup. Otherwise; try to enjoy those games as if you had all those achievements to look forward to, because you do. ;)
I have an iPad 1 64GO WI-FI. I've updated to OS5.1. But, since then, i really have a lot of problems with the sound. Sometimes, i simply have no sound. Everything works fine with my Bluetooth earphones, but with the iPad speaker, nop! And even if i checked the options to ear a sound when i touch the keeboard, it dosen work. Help!

Thank's !
Help, iPad2 is stuck in recovery mode. I have never jailbroken my iPad 2 CDMA. It had 5.0.1. I tried to update to 5.1 w/o itunes...just download from settings (on WiFi). CDMA may have been disabled, I don't know. I've actually never used it.

I have tried DFU & Recovery mode, but iTunes always says "Unknown Error (1)" after about 5 min of trying to restore. I don't have any SHSHs, but I tried TinyUmbrella's "fix recovery" and Redsn0w's Recovery Fix but these did not get me past the error. I also tried a different PC. No firewall or virus scanning software installed on either. Win7, iTunes Here is the detailed log from iTunes: h t t p ://pastebin.com/NJ7n5UAs

This is what stands out to me, but what do I know?
2012-03-29 12:28:28.375 [5504:eec]: amai: AMAuthInstallBasebandHandleUpdaterStatus: commandAccepted: NO
2012-03-29 12:28:28.375 [5504:eec]: amai: AMAuthInstallBasebandHandleUpdaterStatus: outputDict is NULL
2012-03-29 12:28:28.375 [5504:eec]: AMRAuthInstallDeletePersonalizedBundle
2012-03-29 12:28:28.417 [5504:eec]: <Restore Device 06785020>: Restore failed (result = 1)

Help? I'm willing to jailbreak, rollback, use any tool, or whatever. I just want it to work again w/o having to visit apple or buy a new one (although I will visit apple if I have too, but I fear I am beyond the warrenty). Thanks!!!
Hi, my iPad1 isnt jail broken and I've had a hell of a time trying to download ios5, with it stopping mid way through the download. It seems to be my wifi connection dropping out or slowing down for a few seconds but because the download doesn't resume from where it stops the 3 times I've tried have eaten up my Internet usage. I'm now royally sick of it and would do it on my unis wifi however iTunes has trouble with the firewall. Do the links to download the installer from-the website listed at the start of the thread work on un-jailbroken iPads and has anyone had trouble after using them?
Hi, my iPad1 isnt jail broken and I've had a hell of a time trying to download ios5, with it stopping mid way through the download. It seems to be my wifi connection dropping out or slowing down for a few seconds but because the download doesn't resume from where it stops the 3 times I've tried have eaten up my Internet usage. I'm now royally sick of it and would do it on my unis wifi however iTunes has trouble with the firewall. Do the links to download the installer from-the website listed at the start of the thread work on un-jailbroken iPads and has anyone had trouble after using them?

Turn off your firewall and try to update that way. It is a huge update to go to ios5, so be very patient.
Turn off your firewall and try to update that way. It is a huge update to go to ios5, so be very patient.

When I say 'unis' that's our university's wifi and turning off the firewall isn't really an option. My home wifi's problem is our area coverage is a bit patchy and if drops out randomly or if someone else's device, like the mail app on an iPhone connects to it . It's head thumpingly aggravating as with ios5 I could just do the next update at uni or on my sim! If I could download some sort of installer like I do when I need to update iTunes it wouldn't be a problem
macdaddio said:
I am really thinking about up grading my IPad 2 to the latest software but I'm just scared I will have problems again like I did before.
last time I upgraded my IPad my photos kept disappearing so I took it back to Apple and they replaced it for a new one and told me not to up grade again until Apple tells us the bugs have been fixed and it is safe to up grade.
I need advice, is it really safe now to up grade or still I should wait. I want to set up icloud on my iPad and iPhone.

Hi there.... I also got problem after upgrade to jos 5.1 and I don't know what I supposed to do. Because after upgrade to jos 5.1 my camera freeze, and I can't use it. ... Help me...
adhasia said:
Hi there.... I also got problem after upgrade to jos 5.1 and I don't know what I supposed to do. Because after upgrade to jos 5.1 my camera freeze, and I can't use it. ... Help me...

Hi there to you too.
Well I did end up taking it back to apple, but they wanted do a full restore and wouldn't replace my iPad for another one. I told the genus bar guy that if he was going to do a full restore and I was going to lose everything then why couldn't he just replace it for a new one.
He told me because if he replaced it for a new one then I will have the same problem, well genus bar guy if you do a full restore then I am still going to be left with the same problem..
Now I won't upgrade to the latest iOS because it is just a waists of time, I now have jailbreak and if apple wont replace my iPad then I might as just keep it because I have jail broke it .
My biggest beef is that why do apple bring a update when in fact it doesn't fix all problems???

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