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iOS 5 Is Finally Here!

Sorry if this is on another thread (I can't find it) but is anyone else having problems using Messenger since upgrading to iOS5? It lets me save my contacts from my iPhone and lets me enter text, but the 'send' button stays greyed out. Am I missing something obvious? Thanks for any tips!
So, now that I have iOS5 more or less running (I've lost PDF documents saved to iBooks, and maybe more that I haven't discovered yet) how do I access iCloud?

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It's taken all night Lyndsey. I'm devastated about all this. It did the update before all this happened but for some reason it lost the ability to synch with the laptop. I can't lose that. It's got all my songs and books on there. 5GB is rubbish if you've got 500GB OF media. It's a ripple in the ocean. Can't iCloud with that. I'd be bankrupt. In answer to why people are having problems, we aren't, it's the particular devices that are. My iPhone 4 did it in 2 hours. Ipad1 bombed.

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Aww I'm so sorry. I'm in the same boat - I can't iCloud either. I can't believe it's only 5 free GB.
Help! I keep getting an error msg that the network timed out but it showed a full download then the stupid error msg popped up. It's been happening for the past 2 days and I've tried it several times. Download times have varied from a couple hours to 8
minutes with the same results.
I had no problems updating all of my Apple stuff. I just waited a while. Instill I got of work 8 hrs later. LOL
After upgrading to ios5 all my iBooks lost their cover art. The only books that still have cover art are the books I have bought from iBooks. Any ideas on how to get the artwork back?
Thank you
after 8 tries, i finally updated my iPad2 to iOS 5 ....just did it last night which is 3 days after the initial launch of the update. it went smoothly from start to finish and took almost 1 hour from downloading to installing to backing files to syncing to restoring...at first, all the apps i installed won't open but after I updated 1 app, then all the apps started working again...very nice update especially the split keyboard, hehehe, sorry I haven't tried the other additional apps yet so I can't comment on them... :o
After upgrading to ios5 all my iBooks lost their cover art. The only books that still have cover art are the books I have bought from iBooks. Any ideas on how to get the artwork back?

The majority of my movies lost their cover art, or put the wrong art on various movies - it straightened itself out after a day or two.
Jimbau said:
After upgrading to ios5 all my iBooks lost their cover art. The only books that still have cover art are the books I have bought from iBooks. Any ideas on how to get the artwork back?
Thank you

This happened to me, too. My other books are on my external so I think I'm going to just resync them.

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