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iOS 5 Is Finally Here!

I had the same problem. After I updated to ios5 on my iPad , my pics & music were gone. I rebooted my PC & as soon as I connected my iPad to my PC it synced & i got everything back. I hope this helps!
Has anyone else than me noticed that the 1G iPad runs a bit slower with iOS 5 installed (more specifically after closing apps).
Nope it hasn't helped. My laptop has overloaded and I don't know why the memory has filled up. Windows vista sucks. Has iTunes got a whole load of memory somewhere that I'm not aware of. Really annoyed now.

Sent from my iPhone using iPF
It looks like the folks at Apple have got a lot of work to do in the WiFi sync department! Sometimes iTunes sees my iPad2 and sometimes it doesn't. Once it synced without being connected to the power and now nothing happens when it is plugged in.

Anyone tried sync with two iPad2s on the same WiFi network? It's like Hokey Pokey!

I have gone back to USB sync. Much les of a headache.
Well Lyndsey. I'm about to cry. I gave up the vicious cycle because it won't synch. Full stop. There is space for backup. I've reset the router and the iPad. Taken the cord in and out of laptop. Nothing. It just gets interrupted. WTF. no explanation on line so I went for RESTORE IPAD SETTINGS. Yes, it had to be done so I now have no ios5,no iPad, nothing.
You can cry with me, if you like?

Sent from my iPhone using iPF
Anybody getting this one? Itunes unable to load data class information from sync services reconnect or try again later!
This is been going on 3 day's
Just updated iPad 2 to 5.0. iTunes had to update first to 10.5, then 5.0 update began with backup under 4.3. Very automatic. Only one kestroke on iMac needed for entire thing. No problems, but some confusing intermediate states. For example, it appeared I "lost" apps and music, but that, Contacts, etc. reload at the very end of process. Took over one hour to get back iPad useability. Needed to reestablish mag subscriptions. iPad behaved "like new" requiring Apple User ID acct password setting over again. Some Mail password issues thereafter, but quickly resolved. Keeps previous Settings like Wallpapers. Looks just like v4.3, but Newsstand shows up and automatically swallowed NY Times, etc. there. Biggest single attention grabber is new Messages (iMessage) app. Just delving in now
Hayles66 said:
Well Lyndsey. I'm about to cry. I gave up the vicious cycle because it won't synch. Full stop. There is space for backup. I've reset the router and the iPad. Taken the cord in and out of laptop. Nothing. It just gets interrupted. WTF. no explanation on line so I went for RESTORE IPAD SETTINGS. Yes, it had to be done so I now have no ios5,no iPad, nothing.
You can cry with me, if you like?

Sent from my iPhone using iPF

I offer you my shoulder to cry on. :(

Sent from my iPad using iPF
Really surprising why many are having issues with the upgrade. completed upgrade to 3 ipads and 1 ipod touch, No issues at all. I am really impressed with airplay mirroring. There is a very minute lag, perhaps just a fraction of a second but it is really unnoticable. Tried Asphalt 6 and had so much fun. Looking forward to greater support from other apps.
It's taken all night Lyndsey. I'm devastated about all this. It did the update before all this happened but for some reason it lost the ability to synch with the laptop. I can't lose that. It's got all my songs and books on there. 5GB is rubbish if you've got 500GB OF media. It's a ripple in the ocean. Can't iCloud with that. I'd be bankrupt. In answer to why people are having problems, we aren't, it's the particular devices that are. My iPhone 4 did it in 2 hours. Ipad1 bombed.

Sent from my iPhone using iPF
You are making me very nervous ,with all the issues.will update iTunes today only and do a back up.
Then wait a while.
Don't need the frustrations .
Off os in a week so have to decide if I want to spend the week re loading pass words etc or fixing issues
55julie55 said:
You are making me very nervous ,with all the issues.will update iTunes today only and do a back up.
Then wait a while.
Don't need the frustrations .
Off os in a week so have to decide if I want to spend the week re loading pass words etc or fixing issues

Although for me....the update went as smooth as a babies bottom!

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