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Ios 6 maps

DCrosswaite said:
So am I correct in thinking that google street view is unobtainable in IOS6?

Correct, it isn't and the Apple map app is TERRIBLE, so if you value your Google maps DON'T UPGRADE TO iOS6!

Sent from Wales, using my iPad & iPF.
fuzzyfelts said:
Correct, it isn't and the Apple map app is TERRIBLE, so if you value your Google maps DON'T UPGRADE TO iOS6!

Sent from Wales, using my iPad & iPF.

Except for the lack of street view and the Wikipedia links and panoramic photos, I find the Apple maps to be better than Google maps.
Everyone is, however, entitled to their opinion.
scifan57 said:
Except for the lack of street view and the Wikipedia links and panoramic photos, I find the Apple maps to be better than Google maps.
Everyone is, however, entitled to their opinion.

Well lucky you, where I live in Wales the map is in black and white! I ask you! In this day and age black and white! This app should not have been rolled out until much more work had been done on it. It's a disgrace.

Sent from Wales, using my iPad & iPF.
Another reason why I haven't upgraded, first listen to all the complaints and then decide is it what I reply want.
Got Google Maps back on home screen again

I wanted to access Google Maps again, so I went to maps.google.com in the Safari browser. I was pleasantly surprised to see it had a pop-up to load the Google Maps icon on my home page of my iPhone. So, at least I have Google Maps again in iOS6. Haven't updated my iPads yet to iOS6.
digitalbits6 said:
I wanted to access Google Maps again, so I went to maps.google.com in the Safari browser. I was pleasantly surprised to see it had a pop-up to load the Google Maps icon on my home page of my iPhone. So, at least I have Google Maps again in iOS6. Haven't updated my iPads yet to iOS6.

I added the home screen bookmark yesterday. It will do until Google releases a Google map app.
digitalbits6 said:
I wanted to access Google Maps again, so I went to maps.google.com in the Safari browser. I was pleasantly surprised to see it had a pop-up to load the Google Maps icon on my home page of my iPhone. So, at least I have Google Maps again in iOS6. Haven't updated my iPads yet to iOS6.

Thanks for that - extremely useful, until Apple can present me with something resembling Google I shall ignore their much heralded app!

Sent from Wales, using my iPad & iPF.
Another reason why I haven't upgraded, first listen to all the complaints and then decide is it what I reply want.

Same here. Having seen the examples from all over the world showing how poor many parts of the mapping are I will stick with 5.1.1
Especially after perusing "theamazingios6maps" on tumblr

The Guardian has a report that Google has a map app awaiting approval from Apple.

I can't help wondering whether Steve Jobs would have sanctioned this release.
Why is everyone waiting for a google maps app just add the google maps page from safari as a link on your home page granted you need Internet for it to work but is so much better than the actual app and is a good stop gap that's what I'm doing till apple/google sort it as for iOS it's a Fubar upgrade and doesn't even scratch droid it's just so far behind. Apple FAIL!!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
What happens with other apps which use Google Maps? Do they now only have access to a shoddy imitation of the sort of mapping expected in this day and age? Apple Maps is really still in a beta state and should have been an optional trial app for those who wanted it until the glaring errors were ironed out. It was obviously rushed out far too early. It doesn't say much for Apples attitude to its customers to do things the way it has.

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