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iOS 6 ready to install on my iPad - I do not want this update


iPF Noob

I have spent days trying to figure this out without getting very far - so now I need a little help and hopefully I will get some here: xfingers

2 days ago I found that my iPad 3 iOS 5.1.1( already Jailbroken ) had already downloaded iOS6 ready to be installed on my iPad .. so I have an update that I do not want and have no intention of installing.

I have tried to find the path that exists on my iPad 3 to delete the IPSW file but I can not find it any place ... all the threads point to a path on a MAC but not on the iPad 3 ?, on the iPodtouch it has a path of ~/Library/iTunes/iPod Software Updates .. but the iPad 3 has NO iTunes folder that I can see, I have ssh'd to the iPad 3 and selected show hidden files which is turned on, the problem I have is that I can not find the iTunes folder which must be hidden or in another location which I have not found - or indeed it might be a completly different path it sits in.

iTunes on my windows machine is configured not to download updates and no update exists on my PC but it sits on my iPad 3 .. I have found a few tweaks ( bit late now ) i.e no update is one of them ... will that stop this iOS6 update installing ? or will it install automatically after a period ?

I really want to delete it out of my iPad 3 as amoung other things it is taking up my drive space but can not find any way of doing it, so I guess I need help from people here who may know how to do this.

Thank You
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I never could find that update, either, the last time we were waiting for an update. :) The good news is that the update will not install automatically - you will always be prompted to install it. I lived with that update sitting on my iPad (and iPhone) for months. It never forced me to update. All you can do it ignore that section in Settings for the update. You'll see a gray circle (in Settings) but it won't do anything.

You still can go to Cydia and download the "No Update" tweak. It will prevent your iPad from prompting you that there is an update ready to run. It works - I have it on my iPad and iPhone (both of which are running iOS 5.1.1).

In fact, I got a notice this morning (on my iPhone) about there being an update. Weird, because I do have 'No Update" loaded. Guess Apple does push the notices (No Update stops the iPad from going to look). Regardless, I turned down the update. The next time I went into Settings, No Update kicked in to tell me that the update was not going to run on my iPad. So, it still works, even with Apple pushing the notices.

So, I don't know the exact way this works, but I'm still on iOS 5.1.1. The gray circle is still there. Oh, and the red badge appeared on my Settings icon (Bob!). But, a quick trip to Cydia to download "noOTA badge" took care of that.

Bottom line: With "No Update" and "noOTA badge" tweaks loaded - there is no need to dig around and find that update.


P.S. And, since you talk about a jail broken iPad, I've taken the liberty of moving your post over to the Hacking section. Thanks for your understanding.
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Bottom line: With "No Update" and "noOTA badge" tweaks loaded - there is no need to dig around and find that update.


I already have both of the tweaks you point to ... thanks so much for your post, I thought I was going mad I spent so much time trying to track this file but I just could not find it - somebody will one day uncover it ( the company have done a good job hiding that location ) but nothing remains a secret for ever

Sorry about the JB mention I should have looked for the Hacking section before posting.

Thank you once again
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