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iOS 6 to Launch September 19


I was curious why Passbook wasn't included in the update for my new iPad 3?

I don't own an iPhone, so that's kind of underhanded. Since I can carry my iPad where ever I go.

Nice too, as it will probably even fit in my Fanny Pack.

That will be handy, while sitting in my tree-stand.

When I get too cold, I could download the Fireplace app. Smile

ok carry on...

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scifan57 said:
The iPad YouTube app hasn't yet been released. I don't doubt it will work better on the iPad than the iPhone app that's available now.

Hi scifan,
I've been using the new YouTube iPad app since Tuesday night.
Would you like to see a screen shot just to prove it?
I'll show you the icon on my home screen.



  • image-3272079092.webp
    45.7 KB · Views: 500
Just to clear up any confusion, have a look at this Skitch. The YouTube app works on the iPad but is designed for the iPhone. The iPad version is yet to be released.

Updated and problems.

1. YouTube disappeared.

2. The App Store seems to think I am in the USA instead if the UK and tells me to change the setting but doesn't tell me here. I have looked all through the settings to no avail. HELP pease
Redhotpoker said:
Hi scifan,
I've been using the new YouTube iPad app since Tuesday night.
Would you like to see a screen shot just to prove it?
I'll show you the icon on my home screen.


I have searched the App Store numerous times, and have only seen the YouTube app for iPhone, not iPad.
susanlackey said:
I have searched the App Store numerous times, and have only seen the YouTube app for iPhone, not iPad.

The iPad version of the app hasn't been released yet but the iPhone version works on the iPad.
When I go to Settings - General - Software Update on my iPad 2, it returns "iOS 5.1.1 Your software is up to date"

I'm not at home to check with iTunes until late this evening, but I'm wondering why I have this message and whether I will be able to update this device.

Has anyone else experienced this message and still been able to successfully upgrade to iOS 6 on iPad 2?

susanlackey said:
I have searched the App Store numerous times, and have only seen the YouTube app for iPhone, not iPad.

Hi Susan,
I was directed to this YouTube app from an article I had read about iOS6 not supporting it any more.
But perhaps, you are correct, it being for the iPhone, in that the reason it can only be viewed properly is on an iPhone in portrait mode and not horizontal in landscape position on an iPad 3. Although the videos play great in landscape position.

Happy with Siri >?< You bet. I'm also overjoyed with the iOS6 update we are enjoying.
But seriously feeling only very slightly sorry too, for those who don't like certain aspects of it.

I like it, love Siri and know that the maps and other minor bugs will be fixed very shortly.

If you look at the history of iOS, you'll soon realize that Apple Corp. gets right on it. Check the dates of iOS 5 to iOS 5.1. Very short period of time.
Believe me, those techies are working into the night, to get any bugs you find fixed.
But I doubt they sit here reading complaints. Send your gripes to Apple directly, and let them know what corrections need to be worked out.

Please don't walk backwards you nay sayers!!

Enjoy it, life moves in a forward motion... progression,.
Ah, please evolve with the rest of us.
Or thee may revolve to the back of the linage.

scifan57 said:
I today's world of rapid technological change the iPad 1 is ancient. The iPad 1 just isn't capable of handling the system demands of iOS 6.

So if a future threat (virus, trojan, etc) is discovered in the iPad software, anyone who has two year old iPad is SOL (sh.. out of luck) as the fix will appear in post version 6.0 IOS.

Or if a future app developer takes advantage of a new facility in post IOS 5 and replaces their current working version, any iPad 1 users will no longer have a working app after downloading the upgrade.

I don't know about you but I don't want to be forced to pay $500 to $800 every two years for a hardware that is still working because the vendor no longer supports it - I could almost understand if it were the usual 5-7 years depreciation person.

Some two years ago when I purchased my iPad 1, Apple had a unique product - that is no longer the case.
Pete.North said:
So if a future threat (virus, trojan, etc) is discovered in the iPad software, anyone who has two year old iPad is SOL (sh.. out of luck) as the fix will appear in post version 6.0 IOS.

Or if a future app developer takes advantage of a new facility in post IOS 5 and replaces their current working version, any iPad 1 users will no longer have a working app after downloading the upgrade.

I don't know about you but I don't want to be forced to pay $500 to $800 every two years for a hardware that is still working because the vendor no longer supports it - I could almost understand if it were the usual 5-7 years depreciation person.

Some two years ago when I purchased my iPad 1, Apple had a unique product - that is no longer the case.

As to the question of updated apps; you don't have to update. If the app doesn't require a connection to the app developers servers, it will continue to work indefinitely.i regards to apps that require a connection to the app developers server, you can still use the older version as long as the developer hasn't abandoned it.
I have several apps on my iPad that haven't been available in the App Store for almost a year, but still work because they are stand alone apps.

Apple is still supporting iOS 5.1.1 on the iPad 1 and will continue to supply bug fixes and other things.
AQ_OC said:
These features have been discussed forever. None of this is new. Perhaps it would have been wise for you to skip this "upgrade". Google will likely release its own maps app for iOS soon anyway...and they are already on record to be working on an new youtube app.

Personally, I think this is a fine upgrade and I think we are better off letting Google do the youtube and map apps themselves.

Get Google Maps and YouTube on Safari then add them to your home screen. Sorted.
It is very inconvenient not to have YouTube and Google map after IOS6 installation!!!! Be aware!

I can't play "flash" videos if I use Safari. Sucks, I have lots of favorite videos in YouTube.

The other downloaded app for public transportation like Hopstop is not the best designed app. it does not give the optimal results. It doest not consider the express bus rout.

Why did Apple drop those two useful apps!!!!

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