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IOS 7 problems

I'm afraid not Mike, once upgraded, it's a done deal.

Have a look to see if there are updates available for those apps.....all apps are updated to run on the new system. Try deleting them and reinstalling if you need to.

So sorry you are experiencing all this. Must be so frustrating!!

That's not quite true, you can revert back to 6.3 if you don't hang about too long, as Apple are still signing off on version 6.3

I just reverted back to version 6.3 on my own iPad 3 with no problems at all, although I did have to install all my music and films again, which TBH didn't take very long using iTunes from the backup.

If you haven't got the 6.3 IPSW firmware file for your particular iPad, you can find it here

Firmware Links - Download iOS Firmware for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and Apple TV / Just a Penguin

Make sure you download the correct version for your particular iPad, you will notice the firmware which can be installed are marked with a green tick...these are the versions that Apple are still acknowledging for activation.

After downloading the correct IPSW firmware, attach your iPad to iTunes and if using a PC hold down the shift key, Apple refer to this as the option key, but on PC' s it's the shift key, while holding the shift down click the Restore Firmware button, a box will open prompting you to select the firmware file you downloaded to your hard-drive.
Note. If you download the file with Internet explorer it may have a zip extension, if so rename it so it has the .IPSW extension.

It will then re-install vers. 6.3 firmware, though I'm not sure how long Apple will allow it.

TBH this is the first time I've ever felt the need to revert to the previous firmware, but I dislike Apples choice of colours in v7, and it definitely is slower than 6.3 on my iPad 3 anyway, also some text such as film titles ect don't show up, as white text obviously don't show up on a white background. Colour wise I think it looks worse than 6.3, severe lag in some area's like changing desktop screen backgrounds ect. I know the bottom icon task bar assumes its colour from a mixture of the background pic colours but mine looks rubbish regardless of the background image I use. Anyway.. JMO
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That's not quite true, you can revert back to 6.3 if you don't hang about too long, as Apple are still signing off on version 6.3

I just reverted back to version 6.3 on my own iPad 3 with no problems at all, although I did have to install all my music and films again, which TBH didn't take very long using iTunes from the backup.

If you haven't got the 6.3 IPSW firmware file for your particular iPad, you can find it here

Firmware Links - Download iOS Firmware for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and Apple TV / Just a Penguin

Make sure you download the correct version for your particular iPad, you will notice the firmware which can be installed are marked with a green tick.

After downloading the correct IPSW firmware, attach your iPad to iTunes and if using a PC hold down the shift key, Apple refer to this as the option key, but on PC' s it's the shift key, while holding the shift down click the Restore button, a box will open prompting you to select the firmware file.
Note. If you download the file with Internet explorer it may have a zip extension, if so rename it so it has the .IPSW extension.

It will then re-install vers. 6.3 firmware. though I'm not sure how long Apple will allow it.

TBH this is the first time I've ever felt the need to revert to the previous firmware, but I dislike Apples choice of colours in v7, and it definitely is slower than 6.3 on my iPad 3 anyway, also some text such as film titles ect don't show up, as white text obviously don't show up on a white background. Colour wise I think it looks worse than 6.3, severe lag in some area's like changing desktop screen backgrounds ect. I know the bottom icon task bar assumes its colour from a mixture of the background pic colours but mine looks rubbish regardless of the background image I use. Anyway.. JMO

Thank you so much. I very much appreciate your input but I am just giving it up as a bad deal. I do not want to jump through any more Apple hoops, it has been draining. I have been at it most of the day trying to sort out the problems IOS 7 has caused me but I am admitting defeat. No more Apple for me. It may work for some but I have had enough. A bad day all round. What is really annoying is that Apple do not advise you or assist you with these upgrades or have I missed something? It is only because I come on the forum that I get any help whatsoever! When I search the web, all advice is about iPhones and iPods, really difficult to find anything on iPad 3.
It may work for some but certainly not for me. Back to the infernal PC but at least it is the devil I know.
A very disillusioned ipad user :(
BTW, if I don't come back, I would very much like to thank all the good forum users and administrators for all their help, encouragement and assistance. Thank you all.
BTW, if I don't come back, I would very much like to thank all the good forum users and administrators for all their help, encouragement and assistance. Thank you all.

Well I'm very much a PC user myself, but truly the iPads are very trouble free, and IME a joy to use, with any firmware update, especially one with so many changes such as iOS7 introduces there will be the odd issues on some devices.

I also have an android phone and a Nexus 7, but when not on the PC the iPads are great and more readable for browsing the web ect and hope you give it another try, as normally iPads are a lot more stable and reliable than PCs IME.
It's unfortunate you have had problems, but it is quite easy to revert back to iOS 6.3 which may solve your issues.

In any event, I wish you well.
As I've posted elsewhere, wallpaper scaling does work, but the minimum size is one which works in both landscape and portrait modes. That means, for a Retina iPad, that an image less than 2048 pixels in any dimension will be enlarged to that value. Also, it's v e r y s l o w.

This post handcrafted from 100 percent post-consumer recycled electrons.
As I've posted elsewhere, wallpaper scaling does work, but the minimum size is one which works in both landscape and portrait modes. That means, for a Retina iPad, that an image less than 2048 pixels in any dimension will be enlarged to that value. Also, it's v e r y s l o w.

This post handcrafted from 100 percent post-consumer recycled electrons.

Yes. Even the 2048x2048 images get zoomed a little bit now, in order to add some border space for the parallax effect. Attempting to un-zoom an image further than the amount allowed tends to cause it to bounce back to whatever iOS thinks it should be. You can zoom in, if patient, but of course that makes even a 2048x2048 image a bit blurry on a retina iPad.

I expect to see a whole new batch of wallpapers created for iOS 7. They will probably be a few pixels bigger and place the interesting parts of the image where they will be seen in both portrait and landscape modes' default positions.

Using your own photos is going to require a bit more imagination and a lot more tinkering.
The lock screen issue has been somewhat resolved. The image I used appeared blurred behind the new style keypad. Sometimes it appeared to be in focus but mostly very blurred behind the keypad. I now find that on the screen showing the keypad, if I sweep to the left, my lock screen image appears! On there I am instructed to swipe and the keypad screen appears. Nice of Apple to let us know as I cannot find any reference to this. That said I shouldn't have to go searching all the web, it would be nice to have some guidance from Apple at the outset. I am sure there is somewhere but that is the point of my present gripe, it would be nice to be told where to find full and comprehensive instructions how to use IOS 7 on the iPad 3.
On a brighter note, and like Gabriel, I am beginning to get to grips with IOS 7 but it should never be the struggle it has been. Still one or two issues to resolve before I am of accord with the new IOS but I seem to be getting there. When I do find a solution I will, out of courtesy, obviously let you all know. At least I do not feel suicidal today ;)
The lock screen issue has been somewhat resolved. The image I used appeared blurred behind the new style keypad. Sometimes it appeared to be in focus but mostly very blurred behind the keypad. I now find that on the screen showing the keypad, if I sweep to the left, my lock screen image appears! On there I am instructed to swipe and the keypad screen appears. Nice of Apple to let us know as I cannot find any reference to this. That said I shouldn't have to go searching all the web, it would be nice to have some guidance from Apple at the outset. I am sure there is somewhere but that is the point of my present gripe, it would be nice to be told where to find full and comprehensive instructions how to use IOS 7 on the iPad 3. On a brighter note, and like Gabriel, I am beginning to get to grips with IOS 7 but it should never be the struggle it has been. Still one or two issues to resolve before I am of accord with the new IOS but I seem to be getting there. When I do find a solution I will, out of courtesy, obviously let you all know. At least I do not feel suicidal today ;)
Here's a thread with 3 manuals: http://www.ipadforums.net/ios-7/113914-ios-7-manual.html
Once you get used to the software, you'll certainly enjoy it. :-)
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The lock screen issue has been somewhat resolved. The image I used appeared blurred behind the new style keypad. Sometimes it appeared to be in focus but mostly very blurred behind the keypad. I now find that on the screen showing the keypad, if I sweep to the left, my lock screen image appears! On there I am instructed to swipe and the keypad screen appears. Nice of Apple to let us know as I cannot find any reference to this. That said I shouldn't have to go searching all the web, it would be nice to have some guidance from Apple at the outset. I am sure there is somewhere but that is the point of my present gripe, it would be nice to be told where to find full and comprehensive instructions how to use IOS 7 on the iPad 3.
On a brighter note, and like Gabriel, I am beginning to get to grips with IOS 7 but it should never be the struggle it has been. Still one or two issues to resolve before I am of accord with the new IOS but I seem to be getting there. When I do find a solution I will, out of courtesy, obviously let you all know. At least I do not feel suicidal today ;)

Geez that's better news Mike. I was sorry to see you had one foot out the door there for a while mate. So just drag it back in;). There are issues, but overall it looks pretty good, to me anyway. The wallpaper thing, getting decent appearing photos off your camera roll, is a disgrace IMO. It just should not have been approved by Apple as is. Sure there are ways to improve on it, but why should we have to when the previous firmware worked nicely? I'm sure an upgrade soon will fix a lot of these gripes.
And there's a lot of swiping needed now, when just tapping seemed easier before. But, like a lot of folk here, overall it's not bad really, seems a bit faster (I think) and I'm getting used to it, that is, starting to forget how it was before:)
Geez that's better news Mike. I was sorry to see you had one foot out the door there for a while mate. So just drag it back in;). There are issues, but overall it looks pretty good, to me anyway. The wallpaper thing, getting decent appearing photos off your camera roll, is a disgrace IMO. It just should not have been approved by Apple as is. Sure there are ways to improve on it, but why should we have to when the previous firmware worked nicely? I'm sure an upgrade soon will fix a lot of these gripes.
And there's a lot of swiping needed now, when just tapping seemed easier before. But, like a lot of folk here, overall it's not bad really, seems a bit faster (I think) and I'm getting used to it, that is, starting to forget how it was before:)
Great to hear from you, mate, and all my other friends on here. I was having a really bad day yesterday and the IOS issue just exacerbated it. I know I haven't been posting much since the middle of this year but this is what I really enjoy about this forum, the friendliness, help and positivity displayed by everyone I come into contact with. And I totally agree re. the photos issue, pretty pants but as you say, a fix could/should be in the offing.
Another day, another dollar as we say.
G'day OB
Since I backed up IOS 7, I can not read my ebooks from the library.
If I delete them I will be put on a waiting list again.
It starts to load ebook then it goes back to desk top.
What can I do?
Since I backed up IOS 7, I can not read my ebooks from the library.
If I delete them I will be put on a waiting list again.
It starts to load ebook then it goes back to desk top.
What can I do?

Hi and welcome to the Forum!

Try a reset of your iPad......always a good idea after an update.

Hold the power off button and the home button simultaneously, keep holding them in and you may see the power off slide appear and disappear, wait until you see the Apple logo appear before releasing the buttons. It will take a little longer for your iPad to start.
Hi all, Downloaded the new IOS 7 yesterday and have had nothing but problems since. Firstly I noticed that there was no background colour, just glaring white, very tiring on the eyes. My home screen & lock screen changed. When I try to set a photo for my lock screen it will not scale. Certain features are missing, Airdrop for example. The worst problem is the camera. It will not change from square, the only feature on there that I can use is the HDR, whatever that means. I can toggle that on or off but cannot toggle video or camera. I will send some screen shots later but for the moment I only want my old system back. This IOS 7 has not downloaded correctly and now I am stuck. Some help will be very much appreciated. Mike

I am having heaps of trouble with my music, most of it can't be accessed.
I am having heaps of trouble with my music, most of it can't be accessed.
If it is any consolation, Don, things do seem to be improving little by little. Maybe as suggested on here, a hard reset may resolve the matter. There again I haven't checked my music yet so here goes.
Good luck!

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