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iOS 8 Update Problems Include Failed Updates and Inability to Restore


Editor in Chief

Yikes! There are so many folks out there slamming Apple's download servers trying to get the iOS 8 update that some major issues have been reported. Some folks have had their update fail and are now unable to restore from a backup. This includes users of the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch around the globe.

Between software update errors, server errors and others, updating to iOS 8 right now could be a harrowing experience. The worst culprit is actually an unknown error that sometimes pops up through iTunes. Afterwards, even clicking on the "possible fixes" link provided doesn't handle the issue in all cases. This causes the device to get stuck on the download process screen and rebooting it doesn't fix the problem.

It might be worth it to hold tight for a few days until the major glut of consumers is already finished getting the update.

Source: Gottabemobile
Upgrading on day one is always an adventure. Not the nice safe touristy kind with guides and safety rails, but the dirt path kind where you might actually get some bruises, bumps, and sprains; and every now and then you have to break out the first aid kit.
Well in any case gas anyone already updated to iOS 8 on an iPad 2? Some news says it made the iPad 2 slower but just enough to give us a good experience. Anyone got a reaction about it?
Upgrading on day one is always an adventure. Not the nice safe touristy kind with guides and safety rails, but the dirt path kind where you might actually get some bruises, bumps, and sprains; and every now and then you have to break out the first aid kit.

I wish I'd remember to wait! Anyway, no problem getting & installing upgrade, now have application problems. Hate to ask, but, any idea when fixes will start coming out? Thanks!
Give the developers time depending on how many apps you have it could take a month. I suggest doing soft reset ie home key on off button and release once yu see the white apple logo

What apps are you having issues with?
I wish I'd remember to wait! Anyway, no problem getting & installing upgrade, now have application problems. Hate to ask, but, any idea when fixes will start coming out? Thanks!

It's going to depend on the developer. The some of best have already issued updates. The good will probably update within the month. The rest, well, some of them may never update.
Well I'm glad today was my late night at work so as to not be tempted to want to update my phone/iPad. After reading a few things on Mashable, here and also iphoneforums...I think I'll wait. I also need or find an additional 5gb of storage to do the update on my phone!
I will sit in my bunker, twenty fathoms below sea level and wait until others have tested :) I am happy with 7.1 anyway and see no need to rock the boat. Might not update for several months to give devs time to update my hundreds of apps. There are still some games of mine that do not work with 7 and the devs no longer support the games. Nope, not updating.
Well in any case gas anyone already updated to iOS 8 on an iPad 2? Some news says it made the iPad 2 slower but just enough to give us a good experience. Anyone got a reaction about it?

Yes, it's a noticeable lag time, I keep entering again since I'm used to a quicker response, then end up somewhere that I don't want to be. Just have to train ourselves to wait, or maybe we'll be lucky & this will be 1 of the fixes
Give the developers time depending on how many apps you have it could take a month. I suggest doing soft reset ie home key on off button and release once yu see the white apple logo

What apps are you having issues with?

The one that is the most depressing is that I am unable to post pictures from my photo library to a FaceBook post. You know, fun things to make you smile? That's why it's depressing, & it saves a thousand words!
iOS 8 is an awesome update. It slowed my iPad a bit and minimal lag, but so far not all my apps uses the full funtionality of interactive notifications and extensions. And Spotlight does work. Whenever I try to check spotlight suggestions or bing results or anything at all it would uncheck itself when I get back, and it won't show any results at all.
Updated my 5s and Ipad 2 yesterday with no issues...seems my Ipad is a bit slower but not very noticeable if you ask me .... :-)
Parrori1 I suggest you connect to a computer with iTunes and then backup plus restore and see what happens. In most cases this fixes any issues
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