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iOS v4.2 Update Begins to Roll Out

well, after two attempts to backup, both took hours to complete, Then it crashing during update process. I left it to restore overnight, and when I got up this morning I finally have ios 4.2

But, I lost everything. Well, not exactly. I lost ALL of my apps. They aren't showing up in itunes anymore. I still have all of my video's, pics, mp3s, wireless settings, even wallpapers etc, but none of my apps are on the ipad or my PC anymore. I have to redownload everything all over again.

Not impressed.

That was basically my own experience as well, although I had had a reason to remove my videos prior to the OS upgrade, so that wasn't an issue. BUT, whereas your pics remained, I lost all mine & will have to migrate them from my PC once again :(. Bookmarks also remained for me within Safari. But all my 'free' downloaded apps from iTunes are nowhere to be found on my iPad (BUT...they *are* in my iTunes LIBRARY under Apps...:confused:)

- Dave
Got mine too ... 4.2.1. Mutiltasking works and the new mutil-account email inbox is nice. Too bad my printer won't work with Airprint - only 10 HP printers are supported.
What is the Multitasking? Is there suppose to be a folder or something? I did my update this morning seems to work. Just a little confused about the Multitaking people are referring to. Hope this isn't a dumb question.

You need to view the video in this post: http://www.ipadforums.net/apple-ipad-news/13334-getting-started-ios-4-2-a.html
Backing up preventing updating to 4.2

I am still waiting for backup before the system will load the new software update. Before, I could x out the backup and go right to sync. That is not happening. Any thoughts?
Got mine too ... 4.2.1. Mutiltasking works and the new mutil-account email inbox is nice. Too bad my printer won't work with Airprint - only 10 HP printers are supported.
What is the Multitasking? Is there suppose to be a folder or something? I did my update this morning seems to work. Just a little confused about the Multitaking people are referring to. Hope this isn't a dumb question.

You need to view the video in this post: http://www.ipadforums.net/apple-ipad-news/13334-getting-started-ios-4-2-a.html

Thank you! The video helped tremendously. My update is working good. :D
Since I am unable to go from the last Beta version to the newest with AirPlay and AirPrint, should I just factory restore and then upgrade and then back it up again with all of my apps?
Since I am unable to go from the last Beta version to the newest with AirPlay and AirPrint, should I just factory restore and then upgrade and then back it up again with all of my apps?

No you can install it in exactly the same manner you installed the beta. Go to one of the many download links to the final release, download it, and on windows shift click update and on mac opt click update, select the restore file and you will be up to date.
As near as I can tell, you can only "make" folders by stacking two apps. What you can't do is "make" an empty folder that you can then put things into. I tried making a "folder" by stacking two apps and that worked. I then removed one of the apps and the folder was removed and the two apps were out in the open. I guess you cannot trick Mother Apple, or Steve Jobs for that matter. LOL:D
If anyone has figured out how to make an empty folder [JBing you iPad my let you, I don't know] I hope they post the method.
Mel, why couldnt you stack to apps, maybe 2 you don't use very often. Name the folder EMPTY (for now) drag one app out and just leave the other one in there temporarily until you decide what you want to put in it?? A temp fix, but it creates a folder - called EMPTY. Just a thought..
As near as I can tell, you can only "make" folders by stacking two apps. What you can't do is "make" an empty folder that you can then put things into. I tried making a "folder" by stacking two apps and that worked. I then removed one of the apps and the folder was removed and the two apps were out in the open. I guess you cannot trick Mother Apple, or Steve Jobs for that matter. LOL:D
If anyone has figured out how to make an empty folder [JBing you iPad my let you, I don't know] I hope they post the method.

Why would you need an empty folder?
Mel, why couldnt you stack to apps, maybe 2 you don't use very often. Name the folder EMPTY (for now) drag one app out and just leave the other one in there temporarily until you decide what you want to put in it?? A temp fix, but it creates a folder - called EMPTY. Just a thought..

For whatever reason, Apple decided that a folder must have at least two apps in it, so if the folder contains two apps and you remove one, the folder disappears and the remaining app is by itself.
Over the air update

New to Apple.

Regarding this update, can someone provide a link or info
on how I can update to 4.2 for my ipad?

I do not have any other Apple products so I can not connect to
download it.

It could have been coincidental but the "download only" option took less than 10 minutes while the "download/upgrade" option stated that it would take 3-4 hours. I gave up after 3 tries and then tried the download only option. Everything was upgraded cleanly in about 20 minutes. (I have 46 GB free.)

I also turned off Norton firewall & antivirus because that seems to speed up syncs. I'm an Apple-newbie so I learned this after 3 trials. Apple experts probably already knew all of this.

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