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iOS5 First Impressions

taft1958 said:
The mirroring feature is the one I most excitedly waiting for. It works great! I'm still learning the remaining 200+ new features. I discovered that the AppleTV 4.4 software update was release at the same time IOS 5 was released. The update is required to use IOS 5 mirroring. I don't recall seeing that anywhere in the release notes.

What is mirroring???
I'm loving the the shortcuts in the keyboard section in general -settings. It allows me to use hell without constantly getting the autocorrect changing it to he'll. Yippee.
What is mirroring???

Everything in iTunes is mirrored to your other devices. For example, while my iPad has a couple of movies on it, at home with my pc running, I can see and access the 90 or so movies on my PC. Does the same for music as well.
epb said:
Everything in iTunes is mirrored to your other devices. For example, while my iPad has a couple of movies on it, at home with my pc running, I can see and access the 90 or so movies on my PC. Does the same for music as well.

Ah ha I get it. Thanks! Annette
ios5, missing art work and first impressions


well i managed the upgrade after a few minor scary moments involving having two apple user accounts but managed to sort that .. the inevitable 9 pages of apps no longer in folders, a few hiccups migrating mobile me to icloud ... where did all my stuff on mobile me go? :) thankfully nothing very important there!

overall i'm a little underwhelmed by the upgrade apart from airplay mirroring... i've not tried wifi sync yet ... has anyone done that yet?

if so ... if i want to add a movie or music to my ipad from my macbook can i do that without tethering it? or does it purely sync new items on my ipad back to my mac?

the new music player ... kinda preferred the look of the old one with its more itunes view but i'm sure i'll get used to it.

i seem to missing some cover art work.... its not in the artist or album view but when i open the album to play the art work is there .... any tips as to what i'm doing wrong?

I'm loving the the shortcuts in the keyboard section in general -settings. It allows me to use hell without constantly getting the autocorrect changing it to he'll. Yippee.
im going to get to grips with today,what sort of words have you put ?wonder how it knows what word you want.
Czevski said:
I just went deeper and deeper into iCloud settings an discovered the backup settings. It has EVERTHING turned on for backup. This is why my backup was more than 5 mg. you can turn off backing up useful apps that you change everyday or rarely use - like weather or a level or calculator or newspapers that you can't save, etc. this brings the backup down to size.

Where do u go to check that .?
I find it a little buggy. Some apps now crash several times when opening them. On the iphone taking a pic and then deleting still keeps the icon of the last photo taken even if it has been erased, which is actually quite amusing! i love the left and right swipes to move from app to app, though I still find that to my surprise there are more apps open than I am aware of: we need a way to shut down apps in bulk rather than doing it individually from the task bar.
Swiping with four fingers up to bring up the task bar requires some practice, and I find that instinctively I tend to use three fingers, which inevitably takes me to some other option within a given app if there are active icons on the bottom. Three fingers should be the way I think: four fingers in landscape mode to bring up task bar is a careful operation...
I absolutely love the four finger pinch-in to shut a window down: fantastic!
I have enabled Icloud but for very limited things. I was confused as to why music wasn't in the icloud options. I finally discovered you access music from the cloud through the Store. Even then you have to manually download the music you want, which is going to be a real pain. I only had music on my iphone and was "looking forward" to automagically having it all available on the Ipad. I don't see myself downloading it all and take up all the space.
Still discovering things here and there. Hope the bugs get sorted out soon, and that it gets a little more responsive, since ocasionally it does freeze on some apps here and there.

All the best.
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suz26 said:
Where do u go to check that .?

In settings choose iCloud, then storage & backup, then manage storage, then backup, then backup options. Now you can choose items to backup. See what I mean about drilling deeper?
I like the built-in dictionary that fully define a word and provides derivations. Just highlight the word and press 'define'.
Beryl said:
I like the built-in dictionary that fully define a word and provides derivations. Just highlight the word and press 'define'.

Wow! Thank you for that one! I hadn't noticed that, but it is a very good feature.
poisonivy said:
that sounds good,where is it?

It's everywhere. Whenever you come across a word, on a webpage, document, wherever, you put you finger on it, and hold down. A little mini menu pops up with copy or define on it. Press define, and the definition pops up.
with 4 or 5 fingers u can swipe thro screens left n right like in lion,u can swipe down for notifications and swipe up to reveal task bar

Poisonivy, can you please elaborate on the "4 or 5 fingers" feature? i can swipe up and down and left and right thru screens with "1 finger" so what are u on about? Thanks.
This might interest someone. As mentioned in my OP, I lost most of my apps followin the iOS5 upgrade and thought they were gone forever, wrong! I have just redownloaded ibooks and all my books are still there including the one I was reading. So everything wasn't lost.

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