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iOS5 First Impressions

Firefox bookmarks are no longer syncing on my iPad2. Refreshing does nothing. Is there a way to do it without having to pay for an app? Thanks.
Well isn't that the weirdest thing? It worked yesterday, but I can't get it to work now! I'll investigate and get back to you!!
poisonivy said:

Ok, here's what I've discovered. It works in my Russian app, my bible app, Pages, Keynote, Facebook app... It does not work in ipadforums app, or on Google search results, but when I open a webpage from that it does, so try Wikipedia to give it a go. It's the same thing you do as when you want to copy and paste something. it actually works in live typing in this app because I just tried it on the word something. It brings up select, select all, and paste. Just hit select, the whole word highlights, then you get cut, copy, paste, suggest and a tiny arrow, hitting the arrow gives you the definition. That sounds laborious, but actually it's really quick. Well, compared to putting down the iPad, walking to the bookshelf, getting the dictionary, flicking through and finding the word, it is really quick! Lol x
Khenic said:
I'm on the iPad 2 and I love the iOS 5 update. My only complaint is Newstand. I don't see myself using this feature at all and now I'm stuck with an app/icon that does nothing for me. I'd appreciate it if Apple would allow users to toggle this feature on/off.

There is a trick for hiding the Newstand icon in a folder, don't remember where I saw it but I bet you could google for it "hide newstand icon". I heard it works well.
I recently moved to iOS 5 / i/Cloud, and I too have had some problems. I certainly lost certain of my applications(including this one) but have been able to re-install them.

However what I am concerned about is:

A) as I now have all my music and all my photos on everything (laptop, iPad and iPhone) , I want to delete some music and some photos from my iPad and my iPhone. However, should I do that, will they also be deleted from my laptop?

B) with the music, certain of the albums are now missing the first, or the first few, tracks. I have found these, but separate, under the title of Track/Piste 1,2,3 etc. How can I put these back into their albums in proper sequence?

C) Word documents that are prior to .docx refuse to open. Some I can open with TextEdit, but the format and illustrations are lost; others I can't open at all. With archival material, this is very frustrating.

Any help/ advice/solution would be gratefully received .

Firefox bookmarks are no longer syncing on my iPad2. Refreshing does nothing. Is there a way to do it without having to pay for an app? Thanks.

Still trying to find a way to no avail. Syncing on Firefox is now built-in (ised to use xmarks) and should work on the ipad as well as on any other PC/device but it doesn't. Help please. Thanks.
I'm sticking to using safari now, as I used atomic before. The only thing I'm missing is the safari download manager and torrent plugin tweaks. As soon as thos are updated, I'll be happy!
Love the split keyboard but it is flakey in some apps. I'll be submitting a trouble ticket on how it doesn't work well in the phone book app.
This might interest someone. As mentioned in my OP, I lost most of my apps followin the iOS5 upgrade and thought they were gone forever, wrong! I have just redownloaded ibooks and all my books are still there including the one I was reading. So everything wasn't lost.

How about your other missing apps, when you downloaded them did you get your data back as well?
How about your other missing apps, when you downloaded them did you get your data back as well?

No. The other apps are either no longer available or I can't remember them or were not downloaded from the app store.
some apps crash after upgrading
Facebook always crash when uploading photo
Hootsuite always crash when deleting stream
some news app sometimes crash when busy

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