I also have recently (about 1 week - to 1½ weeks ago) - a used (but again, new to me), MacBook Pro laptop.
I upgraded it to Mac OS-X Lion, and just ran Software update, grabbed many updates.
Rebooted, and immediately up on the desktop, pops the Welcome to iCloud, (sign in windows).
I didn't really even (not yet anyways), KNOW what iCloud is, or does, and was it FREE or not.?
Therefore, I choose cancel, but imagine as you now suggest, (seeing it must be installed), sign in?
But, as you said update, update what?
Thanks for all your help...
I have an iPod Touch,justsreceivedd it in the mail yesterday, BUT, haven't done much with it yet.
The seller said they reset (restored) it, so I was going to consider upgrading it to iOS 5 tonight, because
I am waiting for my (used) iPad arriving tomorrow, in the mail.. YIPPEEE...
I figured the iPod would be a great 'testing out the waters' for me, before attempting the 'ole iPad..
All these new toys and don't know how to use hardly any of them - DUH! LOL

- But, I'm willing and ready to learn.