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iOS7.0.2 Simple Passcode problem

I still don't understand TPoet, I'm sorry. If I restore to factory reset but still get IOS7 and the restrictions pass code happened during the IOS 6 upgrade then the IOS 7 upgrade is going to think I, myself set it, and keep it and then I'm afaiw before I upgraded to IOS 7 . All the simple pass code does is shut down the iPad every 4 hrs if you don't have a lock code on right? I could be wrong about that, but that's what I read. So I might as well continue with my iPad as it is!

The passcodes are settings, not something that gets imbedded in the operating system. By doing a factory restore you clear out all the settings, including the passcodes. It has to be this way. If it was not it would be impossible to restore and sell an iPad, since they would always be locked. As I said before, your iPad getting a reset code is a fluke, a really strange one. It should not happen again. If it does, then there is something wrong with the iPad itself, probably hardware. Though I'm having a hard time imagining what hardware problem would cause a specific problem like this.

The Good news is when I synced the iPad iTunes recognized my computer but would not sync with it. I guess I have a LOT of reading to do. That is where I have been BTW! Upgrading the latest iTunes and trying to sync my iPad. But I couldn't find that option anywhere! Thank you again, TPoet , you are such a wealth of information and I appreciate your sharing more than you could ever know! Thanks, buddy! I will start reading now. Tutorials coming out my ears! Sweet dreams TPoet!

You may have to forgo the sync and just do the restore. Your iStore purchases should be recoverable even if they were only on the iPad, and keeping that data synced between the iPad and computer is pretty much all the sync function does. The backup part we've already covered. You're not going to be able to use a backup afterwards in the restore, so there is no point in worrying about creating one.

However, you may be able to get iTunes and the iPad to talk again. In iTunes on the computer, with the iPad connected and selected, go to the Files menu, Devices, and choose Transfer Purchases. This will usually convince iTunes that the iPad does indeed belong to that computer and can be synced.

Whether you decide not to risk the update and just live with not being able to access the Restrictions settings and the things not having the code prevents is up to you.

Hope you had a good reading session. I rather enjoy learning new things, though I admit I enjoy it less when I'm learning it because something broke. ;)
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I hope this isn't too far from the pass code stuff, it is definitely related. On my laptop iTunes recognizes my iPad . When I am on my iPad my iPad doesn't recognize me or the iPad ? If I did a backup why wouldn't I be able to use it! In a back up are you not able to pick and choose what you would like to place back on the iPad, or is it an all or nothing thing?

Man plans. God laughs.
I hope this isn't too far from the pass code stuff, it is definitely related. On my laptop iTunes recognizes my iPad . When I am on my iPad my iPad doesn't recognize me or the iPad ? If I did a backup why wouldn't I be able to use it! In a back up are you not able to pick and choose what you would like to place back on the iPad, or is it an all or nothing thing?

Man plans. God laughs.

You can choose what apps are included in an iCloud backup, but not in an iTunes backup. You can not choose what system settings are in either backup, and those are where things like passcode and restrictions settings reside. There is no way to pick and choose what to restore. When you restore form a backup you get everything that's in that backup.

If you have a restriction passcode set when you do a backup then it become part of that backup and there is no way to use that backup without restoring the restriction passcode.

If you could, then any computer savvy child much over the age of 10 (and that's a lot of children) could easily bypass and replace the restriction code anytime they wanted. It would defeat the whole purpose of having it.
This is how I can enter a longer password in my iPad. Go to Settings>General>Passcode Lock and enter your existing passcode. You then turn off the simple passcode switch, entering your existing passcode to do so. Now you see a pop up that allows you to enter your longer password. I hope this helps. <img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=48642"/> <img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=48643"/>
Oh,sci, you had given me hope! Unfortunately as soon as I touched pass code lock the restrictions number pad came up! :-( oh well, at least I had a few seconds of hope, the crash to earth wasn't bad because I have run into that number pad at least 100 x's by now. Thanks for the instructions sci! VERY much appreciated! :-)

Be Love and Beloved
Oh,sci, you had given me hope! Unfortunately as soon as I touched pass code lock the restrictions number pad came up! :-( oh well, at least I had a few seconds of hope, the crash to earth wasn't bad because I have run into that number pad at least 100 x's by now. Thanks for the instructions sci! VERY much appreciated! :-)

Be Love and Beloved

It's not asking for the restriction code when you do that. It's asking for the unlock passcode. The screens are the same. The codes are not.
You still have iOS 6.1.3 installed. Scifan's screenshots show iOS 7. If you don't remember your passcode, you should backup your iPad and restore it. You'll get the new iOS, and the problem with the forgotten passcode should't exist any more.
No, Johanna, I went to 7 and got a second set of pass code that I do not know the combination to!

Be Love and Beloved
While the screens look different, the same procedure will work on a device that's on iOS 6.1.3.
It is NOT a matter of forgetting it! It was set when I upgraded, thus I have NO way of knowing the combination!

Be Love and Beloved
It's not asking for the restriction code when you do that. It's asking for the unlock passcode. The screens are the same. The codes are not.
Is the unlock code the one I use when I open up my iPad from it being shut down? Because it said ( one of those code pads ) that the next time I get it wrong it will shut me out of my iPad. If it is the same code I use on my lock screen - no problem! I know that by heart!

Be Love and Beloved
I looked at it again and it says " pass code lock " > after four hours! But it has never asked me for it after four hours!?.?
Suggestions anyone? I will try anything as long as it won't shut down my iPad for good!!!

Be Love and Beloved
When you enter a code wrong too many times and it warns you about locking the iPad, that warning is temporary. Stop and wait (I'm not sure how long, give it an hour) before you can try again later without locking yourself out. After several attempts, if you don't get it right it will again warn you.

You passcode lock should be the one that you use to unlock the iPad after swiping to open the lock screen. That is the one that you should be prompted for when asking to change your passcode timeout or simplicity in Settings > General > Passcode Lock.

The code you are asked for when trying to restore the iPad from Settings > General > Reset > Erase All Content and Settings is your Restrictions passcode. It says so just above the four dashed lines that represent the code's characters. This is the one you've been having trouble with, or so I understand. It is the same code you're asked for when trying to access the Restrictions settings.
Hey TPoet, how ya doin? Just wondering if the reason my ipad wont recognize me in iTunes has something to do with the 2 different pass codes i now have but did not set myself? Set during upgrades. Hey, just think , if they have another upgrade i will probably get a new pass codes that locks me out of somewhere else. The upgrades are painting me into a corner and it's getting darker and darker! YIKES!

Man plans. God laughs.
Love and Beloved.
iTunes shouldn't care about your passcodes, at least I don't think it does. There is no other passcode to be set. Unless Apple creates another one you're already at the limit. The next time you upgrade the iPad, assuming your iPad is eligible for the next iOS upgrade, you should do a clean restore which will clear all passcodes. You'll have to reload everything, but that will probably be worth the effort.
Yes. I know I will have todo that eventually! Is there a section in the manual that tells me how to do that in the safest way, and save all the stuff i need to save? If i have stuff in BOX for instance, will that be saved for me because it is a web based app? Or do i have to save each and every file? I guess what i really want to know is if an app is web based will my stuff still be there when I log back in? Thanks, TPoet, as usual you are a wealth of info, probably about 2 billion $'s worth! ;)

Man plans. God laughs. :D
Love and Beloved.
It's going to be an app by app thing. If your app saves stuff in a cloud site like DropBox or Box, then yes, it should still be there later. Even if you can't get the app to see it again later, you can still use the dedicated app for that service to download and open the documents (in an appropriate app) later.

When the time comes, make a list of the apps with content you care about and figure out what has to be done for each of them. You know it's coming, so you have plenty of time to prepare. Besides, you should be addressing the issue of having copies anyway, just in case something unthinkable happens to the iPad.
It's going to be an app by app thing. If your app saves stuff in a cloud site like DropBox or Box, then yes, it should still be there later. Even if you can't get the app to see it again later, you can still use the dedicated app for that service to download and open the documents (in an appropriate app) later.

When the time comes, make a list of the apps with content you care about and figure out what has to be done for each of them. You know it's coming, so you have plenty of time to prepare. Besides, you should be addressing the issue of having copies anyway, just in case something unthinkable happens to the iPad.

I did do one back up awhile ago, 2 mo.s maybe and it took up all the storage on my laptop, which my roommate uses for work. He was cursing a blue streak because nothing was working. So, i off loaded most of my photo's onto a flash drive! He is basically computer illiterate! :D
The reason he was cursing at me was because , he says, there are 2 gb.s on HIS laptop in iTunes! So maybe that backup i did before I upgraded to IOS 7 really did back everything up! I just don't know how to find it. I will have to post this question in another thread to follow the rues. Cyberhugs!

Man plans. God laughs. :D
Love and Beloved.

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