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iPad 2 Bluetooth connectivity issue


iPF Noob
I will really appreciate if somebody can help me to fix my iPad 2 connectivity with other Bluetooth devices.
Before I install iOS7.0, my iPad connect over the Bluetooth with all my speakers without no problems. Now I have installed iOS 7.0.4 and I still can not connect my iPad 2 with my Samsung W_Audio B42F33 speaker nor with my Logitech UE Mini Boom.

Thank you very much,
Hi Adrian - welcome to the forum! :) If not already done, for starters go into Settings > Bluetooth; press the information circle for each device and then 'Forget this device'; then 'Reset' your iPad (directions below if not familiar w/ the procedure); ALSO, turn off or pull the power for each of your speakers (might want to wait an hour or so) - finally, start over to see if your iPad's BT can discover & then pair w/ your speakers - good luck and let us know if these suggestions help? Dave

Reset - press & hold the 'Power' and 'Home' buttons simultaneously until the Apple logo appears - this may take a longer time, so have patience; the iPad will 're-boot' - NOTE that none of these maneuvers will alter your apps, files, or settings.

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