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Ipad 2 issues


iPF Noob
Hello all,

I am enjoying the speed of my iPad 2. I have been able to incorporate my pad into my daily work life. However, I am noticing some issues, as compared to my use of the iPad.

Bluetooth is sketchy - speakers drop connection (logitech blade) and volume control sux on my motorola sd 10 headset
Battery life - is it just me or has the standby and overall battery longevity dropped with the ipad 2?
Apps - PDF apps crash. I have had more crashes with the ipad 2 than I ever had with iPad.

So, anyone else? If there are some tricks or tips please guide me.

Tim Leffler
iPad 2 32 ATT
I'm sorry to hear of the issues that you have with your iPad2. Have a look around and you'll find dozens of threads with Members discussing their experiences - both good and bad - with the iPad2 and with many suggestions on how to overcome some of the problems they encountered.

Hi Tim

I have a feeling you have some issues on your pad2.
I have one , and the bluetooth works better then on my iphone4 , the battery stands the advertised 10 hours, even when I am watching Sky Tv live s for hours and hours, I play games all the time and I also do Music with Garage band app, my iPad 2 so far never let me down.
however I am having some issues with my mail app, but I guess that's a drop of water in the pacific ocean.
All In all , I love my iPad 2 , can't live without it...:)

Sent from my Ultra Jailbroken iPad 2
I have a non-JB iPad1 - but no issues so far!! I am basically one of life's cowards and don't want to risk a JB - in fact, the iPad is just fine the way it is. I use it for business and, for that, it works just fine and replaces my laptop for about 90% of the work that I do - mainly writing reports (Pages), writing some simple programs and mathematical simulations. I love the great - no, fantastic - battery life, the great connectivity and the intuitive GUI. No complaints at all.


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