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IPad 2 from the US work in the UK?


iPF Noob
Hey Guys

I'm a week away from going to New York with my Family and i'm thinking about getting a Ipad 2 when i'm over there

I'm thinking of getting the Ipad 2 16gb Wifi only model, I know that this will work over here but i was wondering if I can still update it using ITunes on a PC not a mac

I remember a friend telling me that he bought the first IPad and came over here with it but he couldn't update it.. cant quite remember what he said but it was something along those lines

- Has anybody here bought a Ipad 2 from the US and brought it to the UK and successfully activated it and been able to update it on a PC?

- Do i need to wait and activate it over here? or can i activate it over there and still use it in the UK?

Thanks Guys :)
There is no problem in updating/sync'ing the iPad in the UK on a PC rather than a Mac. When you purchase the iPad in the US, if you get it from an Apple Store they'll activate it there for you. When you're back in the UK you'll need to set-up an iTunes account to be able to purchase apps (or you could do that in the US too).

If you're trying to calculate the benefit of purchasing an iPad in the US, don't forget that you'll need to pay 20% VAT plus Import Duty when you re-enter the UK with your iPad because its value will exceed the amount allowed to be brought back in duty free.

Hi, I bought a iPad2 in the USA, used it in the UK and South Africa with out problems. I have the AT&T version...
I bought the IPad in the US and live in the Netherlands. Only thing you need to buy separately is an UK adapter...( fixed). Col.Bris
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Lol Think he means the uk charger for three pin plug.
Obviously spelled differently in Holland and hard to pronounce :)
All fixed spelling from different countries can be amusing ever more amusing when Apple suggests.......... Now back to the topic....

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