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Ipad 2 ISO6 downgrade to ISO 5.1.1

toebugz said:
If I don't have 4.x SHSH Blob saved, what should I do? Please Help Guys...

If you don't have SHSH blobs for iOS 4.x saved, along with the blobs for iOS 5.x, you can't downgrade.
toebugz said:
can I download 4.x blob from anywhere on the internet?

Blobs are specific to each device and can only be saved while the signing window for the particular iOS version is open.
toebugz said:
I see... Sorry, I'm newbie :D
Thx for the answers

There's no reason to be sorry. We all started from the beginning, just like you. Regular visits to the forums are a great way to learn how to get the most out of your iPad.

I have an iPad23G currently on iOS 4.3.3 and I want to install iOS 5.1.1 and jailbreak.
But apparently TinyUmbrella and Cydia shows that I have SHSHs only for 433, 434, 435, 501, 51, 601.

So using that new method with redsnow 9.15.x can I restore it to 5.1.1?
Case other 5.x versions doesn't have jailbreak for ipad2 right?

bodosko said:

I have an iPad23G currently on iOS 4.3.3 and I want to install iOS 5.1.1 and jailbreak.
But apparently TinyUmbrella and Cydia shows that I have SHSHs only for 433, 434, 435, 501, 51, 601.

So using that new method with redsnow 9.15.x can I restore it to 5.1.1?
Case other 5.x versions doesn't have jailbreak for ipad2 right?


If you don't have blobs for iOS 5.1.1, you can't instal that version of iOS on your iPad.
5.0.1 has jailbreak right?
Is there much difference between 5.1.1 and 5.0.1? I mean major bugs.
If no, restoring to 5.0.1 is possible in my case.

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