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iPAD-2 New features. Most of them - Not for me

I like that it's thinner.
As for reasons to upgrade, I cannot see one for me right now (from the tech specs point of view).
What turns me off is the tapered edges. I don't like the buttons positioned in tapered edges (like on my iPod). I also find it easier to attach the dock connector to my iPad rather than my iPod, which is due to the edges.
I'd love to see an iPad 3 with the design of the iPhone 4. I just love boxy designs.
Mike_73 said:
I like that it's thinner. As for reasons to upgrade, I cannot see one for me right now (from the tech specs point of view).
What turns me off is the tapered edges. I don't like the buttons positioned in tapered edges (like on my iPod).

I think it is as the truism goes: there's just no way to please everyone. To me, Apple have done what they've done with it, trying to reach as broad a consumer base as they can. It amazes me sometimes the way some users seem to take it so... personally.
i was'nt a bit interested with the ipad2. funny, apple isnt impressive this time. but that's just me
I love the new iPad 2's new features.

SmartCovers. Win.
2x the speed. Win.
9x the graphics. Super Win.

The rest is just gravy. HD video camera with iMovie. I'll take it! FaceTime camera in the front. Even better.

And they made it lighter and thinner, with a better speaker.. What's there not to like?!
xune said:
What's there not to like?!

I guess because I'm already quite satisfied with what I have. There will *always* be something else out there cooler, newer, faster. I am happy for owners of the iPad 2 because they will have an amazing device, but as a user of the original iPad I am just as content.
Well, I won't be getting one. I was hoping the display would be a Retina or something close to it. That, and the shape....I thought the edges would be squared off but they're curved/tapered. I guess I was expecting it to look like a large iPhone 4. Maybe next year.
I hope there are lots of people that feel that the IPad 1 is just fine for them, that will insure I have a good market to sell mine to after my IPad 2 arrives.
While I don't have the need to upgrade my iPad 1, it's definitely a win for new iPad buyers being that it's the same price as the original...

I do wish they would have at least included SD or even better USB!
New ipad uses dual core gpu also..dont count it out yet. We know for sure its way more powerful thn first generation. Stop trying to find the negatives n look at the positives..lmao i know u love android but xoom sux, accept it ;-)

I have said nothing but negative things about the Xoom, what are you talking about? If you are gonna make things up why not just go crazy and have me defending the Augen as a competitor to the iPad2??

Take a chill pill buddy, i was only kidding. I remember ur posts. Sheesh..lol
Good points, feeling the same way! App potential is sky high now!

Agree. I was surprised not to see some sort of game demo that showed the potential of the new HW. The movie app was impressive but I would have liked to see something that knocked my socks off!

Watch this:

HP TouchPad shoots down planes, shows off next-gen Snapdragon's GPU (video) -- Engadget

And realize that its using a dumpy Adreno 220 GPU. The iPad2 has a monster of a GPU in it. I know because my phone runs the version just below what the iPad 2 has. Games will far surpass what that tablet is shown doing.

x-plane on ipad1 looks wayyy better thn that. U right, that game blows..lol. I was not impressed at all n supposedly running off of 1.2GHz new dual core snapdragon. They have a long way to go to compete even with ipad1 gamimg, let alome the ipad2. Good example!
For me, I definitely wont be buying even if a pile of money falls in my lap. ipad 1 is fast enough for me, have no use for a camera to take pictures and I hate video chat. Could care less about thinness or weight as I currently keep mine in an otterbox. ONly way I would upgrade is if the increased the top capacity to at least 128gb. Will the HDMI adapter work with ipad 1? And one other question, I've only seen the rear camera resolution said to be 720p, what is the resolution in megapixels?
Personally I think the Ipad 2 looks damn sexy. Looking forward to seeing it in person next week. Waiting for the Ipad 3 to come out.
I'm buying one.
Wasn't certain I would beforehand, but the improved chip, ram and graphics make it a certainty.
The slimmer shape and cameras just add to the package.

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