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iPAD-2 New features. Most of them - Not for me

Mike_73 said:
I like that it's thinner. As for reasons to upgrade, I cannot see one for me right now (from the tech specs point of view).
What turns me off is the tapered edges. I don't like the buttons positioned in tapered edges (like on my iPod).

I think it is as the truism goes: there's just no way to please everyone. To me, Apple have done what they've done with it, trying to reach as broad a consumer base as they can. It amazes me sometimes the way some users seem to take it so... personally.

I don't actually take it personally. It's just that I dislike buttons in tapered edges (but that's just my 2 cents).
Even with the tapered-edge-button-design, I still like my iPod for what it is. I was just saying that the added specs from iPad1 vs. iPad2 don't make me "want" an iPad2.
Benchmarks are only part of the equation.
The bottom line is do you like it and what it does?

I've no idea of the torque of my car, but the interior, seating and design all inform my purchase decision. It's a package.
Spent too many hours overclocking cpu's and ram to be bothered with pc comparisons. What did all that constant upgrading lead too? Larger installs and bloated software like office with all those tools you never used.

I like the slimmer form and everyone reporting from the presentation said how much faster it seemed.
Thats good enough for me.
And the new software..........at those prices.
I don't actually take it personally. It's just that I dislike buttons in tapered edges (but that's just my 2 cents). Even with the tapered-edge-button-design, I still like my iPod for what it is. I was just saying that the added specs from iPad1 vs. iPad2 don't make me "want" an iPad2.

Sure - my comment didn't mean about you in particular, either - it was just a general observation that everyone has their own expectation of what they want and/or like, or don't want/like, so it's impossible to try to please everyone.
LOL. You are calling out ANANDTECH and GLBENCHMARKS as biased?
I don't necessarily say them... but someone choosing that one meaningless chart? Not so sure.

And you don't have to push 4x the number of pixels around. You can test on an equal basis. The i4 is perfectly capable of 320x480, just as like the 3GS. So to present the GS as better is kind of laughable.

LOL. You are calling out ANANDTECH and GLBENCHMARKS as biased?
I don't necessarily say them... but someone choosing that one meaningless chart? Not so sure.

And you don't have to push 4x the number of pixels around. You can test on an equal basis. The i4 is perfectly capable of 320x480, just as like the 3GS. So to present the GS as better is kind of laughable.


Are you telling me the iPhone does resolution switching? I'm pretty sure it is always running at native resolution. If it is running a 320x480 app then it is using hardware scaling.

the iPad is the same way, it is always running at 1024x768. That's why iPhone apps only run in a small part of the screen. If this type of screen technology could support resolution switching (it can't) then those apps would run full screen. So there is no way for the benchmark to run everything at the same resolution.
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Are you telling me the iPhone does resolution switching? I'm pretty sure it is always running at native resolution. If it is running a 320x480 app then it is using hardware scaling.

the iPad is the same way, it is always running at 1024x768. That's why iPhone apps only run in a small part of the screen. If this type of screen technology could support resolution switching (it can't) then those apps would run full screen. So there is no way for the benchmark to run everything at the same resolution.
iOS uses core animation layer to do that. Lower res assets and textures are faster if only coding for 320x480 vs 480x960, etc. I know when developing in cocos2d you have to explicitly turn on high-res mode for 480x960.

Again, name an app that runs faster on a 3GS. I already named one that is faster on an i4 at 480x960 than the 3GS at 320x480. Surely it would be easy to find one, with the 3GS being 3x faster at graphics and all. :)

iOS uses core animation layer to do that. Lower res assets and textures are faster if only coding for 320x480 vs 480x960, etc. I know when developing in cocos2d you have to explicitly turn on high-res mode for 480x960.

Again, name an app that runs faster on a 3GS. I already named one that is faster on an i4 at 480x960 than the 3GS at 320x480. Surely it would be easy to find one, with the 3GS being 3x faster at graphics and all. :)


I can't name an app that runs faster on the 3GS but then again I never claimed the 3GS was faster than the 4G in the first place, just trying to explain the benchmark which is correct .. lol. That benchmark has nothing to do with the overall speed of the device, it is only used to measure OpenGL performance of the GPU portion of the SoC when the GPU is 100% utilized. If you look at the frame rates there would never be an actual app running the GPU that hard in the first place because nobody would be willing to buy it. That's how hardware benchmarks work ... get 100% utilization out of the device in question. Infinity Blade is more that a simple OpenGL test platform and it obviously isn't putting the SoC in a GPU limited state so I don't find the comparison that great.

Anyhow, I guess we can agree to disagree on this one and move on as gentlemen.
I can't name an app that runs faster on the 3GS but then again I never claimed the 3GS was faster than the 4G in the first place...
Ahhhhh.... I originally thought you cherry picked and posted the original chart with the intent to prove how slow iPad or iPhones were/are against Android without realizing that it showed the 3GS as 3x faster than the i4--which is honestly not so. I see now you didn't even post that chart... sorry about that.

I can't name an app that runs faster on the 3GS but then again I never claimed the 3GS was faster than the 4G in the first place...
Ahhhhh.... I originally thought you cherry picked and posted the original chart with the intent to prove how slow iPad or iPhones were/are against Android without realizing that it showed the 3GS as 3x faster than the i4--which is honestly not so. I see now you didn't even post that chart... sorry about that.


lol .. no problem. I looked at the graph at least a dozen times trying to reason it out ...:D
The iMovies app will be great to use for my new baby. So the Ipad 2 is a win for me. A ebook reader with a camera is the Ipad 2. WIN!!!
LOL. You are calling out ANANDTECH and GLBENCHMARKS as biased?
I don't necessarily say them... but someone choosing that one meaningless chart? Not so sure.

And you don't have to push 4x the number of pixels around. You can test on an equal basis. The i4 is perfectly capable of 320x480, just as like the 3GS. So to present the GS as better is kind of laughable.


Who is presenting it as better? Do you seriously not understand the benchmark? It tests a the native resolution. If it pleases you, the new Dual core Motorola Xoom only scores like a 12 on that test. You know why? Its resolution is 1280x800. No one over in Android forums calling it biased. Its how that benchmark works.
I can't name an app that runs faster on the 3GS but then again I never claimed the 3GS was faster than the 4G in the first place...
Ahhhhh.... I originally thought you cherry picked and posted the original chart with the intent to prove how slow iPad or iPhones were/are against Android without realizing that it showed the 3GS as 3x faster than the i4--which is honestly not so. I see now you didn't even post that chart... sorry about that.


I posted that chart. The reason I posted that chart was to show that if in fact the iPad 2's GPU was ACTUALLY 9x faster than the original iPad, it would be absolutely destroying everything else on the market right now. That is why I doubt that its ACTUALLY 9x. Don't get me wrong, the GPU is a beast and I am very excited to see it benchmarked, but its not gonna be 9x faster.
I posted that chart. The reason I posted that chart was to show that if in fact the iPad 2's GPU was ACTUALLY 9x faster than the original iPad, it would be absolutely destroying everything else on the market right now. That is why I doubt that its ACTUALLY 9x. Don't get me wrong, the GPU is a beast and I am very excited to see it benchmarked, but its not gonna be 9x faster.

Actually I am betting that the Ipad2 GPU is 9x faster in one benchmark that Apple will be apple to reference when pressed on the issue (if they actually are pressed on it). Just as we have seen with the OpenGL benchmark referenced in this thread, the numbers from one very specific test can quite easily be made to look like something else if not careful. Apple sure isn't the only company to do such things, but I bet they are just as good at it as the next guy.
Who is presenting it as better? Do you seriously not understand the benchmark? It tests a the native resolution. If it pleases you, the new Dual core Motorola Xoom only scores like a 12 on that test. You know why? Its resolution is 1280x800. No one over in Android forums calling it biased. Its how that benchmark works.
I know how it works. I just don't see the benefit of a stat that involves changing variables.

Who is presenting it as better? Do you seriously not understand the benchmark? It tests a the native resolution. If it pleases you, the new Dual core Motorola Xoom only scores like a 12 on that test. You know why? Its resolution is 1280x800. No one over in Android forums calling it biased. Its how that benchmark works.
I know how it works. I just don't see the benefit of a stat that involves changing variables.

I do agree that 9x is inflated, but I expect it to be noticeably faster.

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I posted that chart. The reason I posted that chart was to show that if in fact the iPad 2's GPU was ACTUALLY 9x faster than the original iPad, it would be absolutely destroying everything else on the market right now. That is why I doubt that its ACTUALLY 9x. Don't get me wrong, the GPU is a beast and I am very excited to see it benchmarked, but its not gonna be 9x faster.

Actually I am betting that the Ipad2 GPU is 9x faster in one benchmark that Apple will be apple to reference when pressed on the issue (if they actually are pressed on it). Just as we have seen with the OpenGL benchmark referenced in this thread, the numbers from one very specific test can quite easily be made to look like something else if not careful. Apple sure isn't the only company to do such things, but I bet they are just as good at it as the next guy.

Well yea, they got the number from somewhere. Can't wait to see this thing tested. Should be very interesting.

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