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Ipad 2 not working- please help!!


iPF Noob
Hey guys I am new to the forum so I apologize if I am posting in the wrong section. I decided to come here as a last resort. I was seeing if anyone may be able to give me some advice. My ipad 2 stopped working and I cannot figure out the problem. I have cracked the digitizer twice as well as the LCD once. I had to replace the LCD and digitizer the first time, and just the digitizer the second time. I did the repairs myself and it worked flawlessly for at least 6 months. One day my Ipad was starting to run low prior to leaving for work and I didn't have time to charge it (I have never had battery issues, it always held a charge for over 8 hours easily.) I put it in my trunk and went to work. I left it in my car and it was not hot out that day ( Temps were a moderate 70 degrees and it was in my trunk which does not get the least bit hot.) When I came home I took the Ipad out at which point it wouldnt turn on. I then attempted to charge it numerous times (even overnight) and nothing. It is not even recognized by my MacBook when I plug it in. I have tried to the master reset numerous times by holding the power and home buttons simultaneously for 20-30 seconds and nothing. I also tried holding both, plugging it into my macbook pro and then releasing the on/off button after 10 seconds in an attempt to place it into recovery mode and there is still nothing. There is no sound, no dim screen, not a thing. I took it apart and changed the 30pin connector, battery, power/volume cable and daughterboard. Still nothing. The I-pad is not jailbroken. If it is the logic board I cant figure out what would have failed or what would have caused the issue since it was working fine before I left for work.Do you have any clue as to what may be the issue?
Hi and welcome to the Forum!

The only thing i can think of is if an iPad is left anywhere where it is hot, this then will damage your battery. You will find that even with temperatures of 70°, inside a locked car would get quite a lot hotter than this.

I see that you have replaced the battery, you don't say if you have then charged it for any length of time....have you? A flat battery needs to charge for quite some time before your iPad will turn on. I'm not aware of what else can be damaged by heat. Just throwing this in for something to check.

Please do not post twice on your issue as it divides the information given and makes it confusing for members to follow. It is also against our Forum Rules, your other post in the iPad 2 Forum has now been deleted.
If you've absolutely tried everything, then the best thing to do is to take the iPad to apple and see what they can do for it. From the sound of things, I don't think there is much they can do, but it's definitely worth a try. Apple doesn't really deal with products that have had DIY since it immediately voids the warranty.
I have 2 macbook pros, 2 ipads, 2 ipod touches, have owned 6 ipods, and 6 iphones. I took it to them and the guy at the genius bar did a quick diagnostic and said he wasnt getting any voltage feedback. He was really cool and even gave me a free key for my macbook pro that had popped off. He thought that the problem may have been a bad 30pin or battery. Changed them both with no luck. I guess ill make another appointment prior to trashing this thing
I have 2 macbook pros, 2 ipads, 2 ipod touches, have owned 6 ipods, and 6 iphones. I took it to them and the guy at the genius bar did a quick diagnostic and said he wasnt getting any voltage feedback. He was really cool and even gave me a free key for my macbook pro that had popped off. He thought that the problem may have been a bad 30pin or battery. Changed them both with no luck. I guess ill make another appointment prior to trashing this thing

Is there any way you can check that new battery if it is a good one? It may be a dud, stranger things have happened! ;)
I dont think it is the battery. The car was never anywhere near hot. I had a case of monster energy in the trunk and some waters which I cracked open during work and drank and they werent even warm. Plus the battery was strong as hell prior to it not working.

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