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iPad 2 running very slow


iPF Noob
Mar 29, 2011
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Hi I've had my iPad 2 3G 32gb now since launch in the uk and when using it at home on the wifi network the performance is very slow:

Apps take forever to download
Web pages
You tube videos
Streaming content etc

My iPhone on the same wifi connection works great.

I did a ping test and compared the two of them and the iPad did badly

iPhone 3GS - ping 51ms, dload 6.11mps upload 0.31mbps
iPad 2 - ping 54ms, dload 1.11mbps, upload 1.02 Mbps

The above is the average over 3 tests.

How can there be such a difference when the iPad 2 should be far more powerful than the iPhone.

Anyone have any advice? - this is my second iPad 2 and I don't want to bring it back to get another one. When I went to the apple store with the first one they never even looked at the iPad or tried to offer advice, they just saidmthey would replace it.


OK - this probably won't help but it fixes a whole load of problems...and it's easy to try....

The easiest first way to try to solve ‘unexplained’ or ‘unusual’ problems with the iPad are:-

Force the offending app to close. If you have iOS 4.2 double-press the ‘Home’ button to bring up the multi-task bar at the bottom of the screen. Press *and hold* any icon until they start to ‘jiggle’. Then tap the top left-hand corner of the app that you want to close. It will ‘disappear’ from the list. Don’t panic - you’ve not deleted it, just closed it. Now tap the Home screen and the multi-task bar will disappear. Re-open the iPad’s app and see if the problem has resolved itself. If not, it’s on to possible solution number two!!
Restart the iPad. Press *and hold* the Power button. After a couple of seconds a slider control will appear asking you to confirm that you really want to switch the iPad off (this is all you’ll be doing). Slide the control to accept. A rotating white ‘bezel’ will appear in the iPad screen as the iPad powers down (it takes a few seconds, just like it would if you were shutting down your PC). When the screen of the iPad has gone completely blank, press *and hold* the Power button for a couple of seconds until the white Apple logo appears and the iPad starts to power up. This takes several seconds, so be patient. During the power up the automatic screen orientation function is disabled, so don’t panic. A few seconds before the power up is complete, the iPad plays a little ‘jingle’ and then you’re back to the Home screen. Restart the iPad’s app and see if the problem persists. Apple (and Forum members) recommend that you power down your iPad at least once a week, just as you might regularly completely switch off your PC. The normal procedure of just briefly pressing the Power button of the iPad merely puts it to ‘sleep’. Most Forum members have found that one of the two methods I’ve mentioned here cure a whole bunch of unexplained problems and are an easy first step to resolving most anything that happens on the iPad.

If this doesn't work - or, more likely, you've already tried it, get back to us and we'll try some more 'difficult' solutions...

Hi tim,

Thanks for the post. I've tried what you have suggested and the problem still exists.

I tested my iPad on the wifi network at work and it worked great I did a ping test and the results came back in excess of 6mps.
I then called my broadband provider O2 and they suggested changing the channel that the broadband signal was received on as if everyone in your area is on the same channel by default when initially setting up their routers it can cause congestion and slow the internet speed. I said it probably wouldn't work as my iPhone works fine.

Anyway they changed the channel a few times and the ping test improved to about 3 Mbps download but that still wasn't good enough as the iPhone 3GS is double that. The technical guy at O2 agreed and said the router I have must not be compatible with the wifi chip in the ipad2 and that they would send me out a new different router a newer model with the latest firmware and see how that goes. Should be with me by Tuesday next week so will let you know the results.

I have exactly the same problem on ipad2. have updated software. also on o2. very sluggish. did you manage to fix it? partic bad with bbc iplayer. please help...
Westhamstead you need to call O2 and request a new router be sent out. As soon as I got a new one with the latest firmware iPad browsing & streaming works great.

Good luck
hi guys! im experiencing the same thing. everything was running smoothly until recently my ipad2 slowed down. i have not changed ISP, i have a laptop and internet is running smoothly. so does this problem mean router compatibility issues with our ipads?
hi guys! im experiencing the same thing. everything was running smoothly until recently my ipad2 slowed down. i have not changed ISP, i have a laptop and internet is running smoothly. so does this problem mean router compatibility issues with our ipads?

If your issue started recently and was not always like this. That makes it sound more like an interference issue. One of your neighbors might have gotten a new wifi router that is using the same channel as yours and causing interference. Try changing your router to another channel to see if the issue clears up.

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