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Ipad 2 stuck on apple logo


iPF Noob

I have ipad 2 its version is iPad2,2_4.3.2_8H7. i have jail breaked it using jailbreakme.com

three days back i installed swirly sms from cydia and after that it stucked on apple logo,

i am trying to restore it using itune but it give 3194 error, also i have tried redsnow version redsn0w_win_0.9.6b5 but it says unable to recognize ipsw. I have searched alot on net but not able to find solution for it coz every one have mentioned how to downgrade from other versions to 4.3.3 but my issue is different my version is not updated it only get stucked on apple logo after installing this stupid software.

Im very much worried any help would be much appreciated.
I did my iPad with Redsnow then it stuck a Apple so opened ITunes and did restore also did 5.0 restore now mine keeps cutting off in middle of everything after reboot so be Carefull it may be a virus or hack because there's been over 10million reported since
New upgrade
I did my iPad with Redsnow then it stuck a Apple so opened ITunes and did restore also did 5.0 restore now mine keeps cutting off in middle of everything after reboot so be Carefull it may be a virus or hack because there's been over 10million reported since
New upgrade

It's a tethered jailbreak so you have to use redsnow to boot even when you have just jailbroken.

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