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iPad 3

I'd settle for something iOS and android are missing. Separate user accounts. I want a login to see my info, and my device as I set it up. I also want my kids to have their own accounts. User experience like a computer in that respect.
uniquename said:
I'd settle for something iOS and android are missing. Separate user accounts. I want a login to see my info, and my device as I set it up. I also want my kids to have their own accounts. User experience like a computer in that respect.

There is one project just like that in the working, it is called UserProfiles. If you have a jailbroken iPad, you could even apply for the Betatest, or wait until it progresses:

I wish the next ipad3 would have better camera (the ipad2 cam sucks big time) and i hope it'll be retina display already. 

Sent from my iPad
Same thing iPad 1 and 2 are missing. OSX.

Come on MacPad!!! PLEASE THIS YEAR!

My gut feeling it will be a Touch Screen MacBook air As it is a logical next move for Apple but then I could be wrong .........We both know Apple and

"you never know what you going get till you open the box"

Apple is full of surprises
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col.bris said:
My gut feeling it will be a Touch Screen MacBook air As it is a logical next move for Apple but then I could be wrong .........We both know Apple and

"you never know what you going get till you open the box"

Apple is full of surprises

rip the bottom off the MacBook air, more space for a bigger battery, storage space, memory, a proper onscreen keyboard, and a nice sized screen

at least that is what I am hoping for :)
gentlefury said:
Same thing iPad 1 and 2 are missing. OSX.

Come on MacPad!!! PLEASE THIS YEAR!

I think that you've been obsessed ever since you hacked the onboard spellcheck to come up with the alternative of "MacPad" for every word you type!

I don't think that there is a cat in hells chance of getting OSX on iPad 3 however, MacPad, could be a MacBook Air where you spring the screen off to operate as standalone tablet, now that would be nice!

iPad 3, I'm thinking that it will be similar to an iPad 2 but completely over clocked to raise the heat output and it comes with a bagel rack so you can warm them up on the move.

The Archangel
Same thing iPad 1 and 2 are missing. OSX.

Come on MacPad!!! PLEASE THIS YEAR!

My gut feeling it will be a Touch Screen MacBook air As it is a logical next move for Apple but then I could be wrong .........We both know Apple and

"you never know what you going get till you open the box"

Apple is full of surprises

MacBook Air + TouchScreen - Keyboard = MacPad!! Bring it!!

And I didn't hack anything...it just started doing that.
I love my iPad 2, but I'd like it much more with better cameras, better android/web os type of notification system, option to turn adobe flash on and off, native safari browser with desktop mode option and desktop multiple tabs, and USB port.

Sent from my iPad 2 using Tapatalk
IMO ... why go go back to touch screen notebook designs ... they were a technological disaster. Rather ask the question why iPad, hold it in your hands design. Can't keep em in stock. If we really look ahead it is Thundebolt interface for interconnection back to the big, high performance iMacs, MBP, AIR, etc. (PC's are a year behind on this one). This would be a breakthrough ... there is a patent of a 30 pin connector (std on all Apple mobile devices) to Thunderbolt high speed data transfer. I doubt older device designs will work, but with iPad3 ... very possible.

We also need seamless backup (i.e. Drop Box, but auto save). Leave off the manual steps to the PC world of USB, SD, and all the old technology. It won't be long til that stuff will seem like Floppy disk technology.

Then we need a really good scheme for data files and data interchange between apps. iOS5 or higher. The hardware issues are probably in place. "Castle (the Cloud) is in the wings. The screen resolution on iPad2 is great (good enough) ... I agree higher performance cameras should be included.

The key is maintaining long battery life (no flash video now or ever) The world is switching to HTML5 .... even Adobe.
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IMO ... why go go back to touch screen notebook designs ... they were a technological disaster. Rather ask the question why iPad, hold ii in your hands design. Can't keep em in stock. If we really look ahead it is Thundebolt interface for interconnection back to the big, high performance iMacs, MBP, AIR, etc. (PC's are a year behind on this one). This would be a breakthrough ... there is a patent of a 30 pin connector (std on all Apple mobile devices) to Thunderbolt high speed data transfer. I doubt older device designs will work, but with iPad3 ... very possible.

We also need seamless backup (i.e. Drop Box, but auto save). Leave of the manual steps to the PC world of USB, SD, and all the old technology. It won't be long til that stuff will seem like Floppy disk technology.

Then we need a really good scheme for data files and data interchange between apps. iOS5 or higher. The hardware issues are probably in place. The screen resolution on iPad2 is great (good enough) ... I agree higher performance cameras should be included.

The key is maintaining long battery life (no flash video now or ever) The world is switching to HTML5 .... even Adobe.

Well, iPad is so popular because it requires nothing more than a finger to operate. OSX Lion is all touch friendly. Bringing all the best of iPad to OSX. Therefore having Lion on a tablet with the exact form factor of an iPad would do doubley well. Plus Apple can sell more BT Keyboards and trackpads for those that wish to use them....add thunderbolt to the mix and you can plug a monitor to your tablet and use it as a desktop....plus you can get high speed attachments.

It would be the next logical advancement from the notebook...a cumbersome design that needs desperately to be updated.
Be careful what you wish for....
Your macpad could be more pad than mac.

Perhaps OS11 and 12 will be more like iOS5.
'tis a consummation devoutly to be wished."

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