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iPad 3G Support Group Thread

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I used to spend hours using my iPhone for games, browsing, IM, and now I pick it up to make a call and it seems so tiny! And that is the only thing it's used for any more, calls and text messages. My iPad is used enough that I invariably get down to 5% or less battery life every day!
Just came back from a road trip through New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, New York and Mass....my ipad is now very well traveled and was invaluable...stood in hotel lobbies and made reservations and then walked up to the counter with confirmation number and best rate. Not to mention that the map was awesome and even in the littliest of towns, I usually had a 3g connection and never felt out of touch and went right through security without having to pull my netbook out! Awesome!
Received a email yesterday telling me that my 3g will be delivered tomorrow 3 June,checked the tracking number and found out its been shipped from Shenzen China via Hong Kong, I believe ShenZen is about 50 miles?just north west of Hong Kong. If its on time thats pretty good service.

The 3G baby arrived today, I have been tracking it since it left Hong Kong. I was surprised that no ear-buds came with it,Apple saving money I guess. Made two mistakes right away,my protection screen cover looks like my dog took a leak on it to include loosing some hairs,then after loading some games I gave it to my Better half to play Solitaire, big mistake,she kept it for almost a hour,only promising her that I would get her one for her birthday was it returned to me. It was on Mothers day when I bought her a Ipod,at first she didn't know what to do with it,(never had one in her hand before) now I'm lucky to get a meal in the house because she plays with it all the time.:) I dont know what to do, throw away the Ipod only after a few weeks or get rid of the Better Half after 54 years.:D

There are some who will regret buying one when the new wears off, but I doubt it will be very many. I am finding new ways to do things that was not possible with my MacBook. The more I use this, the more I appreciate it. This evening I came home to a tornado warning. The wife and I drove to a parking garage to wait it out with hundreds of others. Everyone had the ability to monitor the reports on the radio, but with my 3G, I was able to view pictures and maps, not to mention read weather reports.

What app were you using for this? This is one of the big reasons I got an iPad...I travel a lot in areas with dicey weather and want to know what's coming my way.
Why do you ask this question?

I just love mine and wondered if there was anyone that didn't. I learn something new about it everyday!

I really like the features it has plus the all the new things I can do that I could not do before with my PC.

Being an avid reader (2-3 books/month) there is one thing that I am disapointed with and that is the bookstore whether it's Apple or Kindle that does not matter. I was HOPING it would be an inexpensive way to get books. As it turns out it actually costs more to get a book this way compared to buying it full sticker at a mall bookstore or even discounted online at Amazon. I'm sure that this is not always true but for the books I've looked up and was interested in that was the case. Seems to me that they would sell a lot more of these electronic books at .99 or even 1.99 than they will at 9.99 or 12.99 especially to avid readers like me that wind up donating most of them to Goodwill or selling them in garage sales anyway. At .99 I could just delete them and not feel too bad but I probably would never delete a $10 book. I'm hoping that as things move on that they will go down in price and the selection will increase but for now paper still is my choice.

Other than this minor complaint I think the iPad is exactly what I thought it would be and am enjoying having it. I especially enjoy the cool apps that people are putting out there you sure don't see that on the PC anymore. That's my .02 worth! :D:)

Man, I agree. I am a complusive reader. I'd buy hoards of books at .99 but will be way more selective at 9.99. THe free books only go so far and then ya want a more current - recently released one. I guess its still the library for me....sigh.

Where are the books?

Love, love my iPad. It does so many things extremely well. One reason I wanted it was as a book reader. But all the books I want to buy are available on Amazon for the Kindle reader, which works very well on the iPad, but not one book I have looked for--new books all--is available on the iBook store. I want to use the iBook reader, but Apple will have to do better than this if they want to sell books.
There are some who will regret buying one when the new wears off, but I doubt it will be very many. I am finding new ways to do things that was not possible with my MacBook. The more I use this, the more I appreciate it. This evening I came home to a tornado warning. The wife and I drove to a parking garage to wait it out with hundreds of others. Everyone had the ability to monitor the reports on the radio, but with my 3G, I was able to view pictures and maps, not to mention read weather reports.

What app were you using for this? This is one of the big reasons I got an iPad...I travel a lot in areas with dicey weather and want to know what's coming my way.

The Weather Channel app is OK, but I used a link to the NWS and one of the local stations. Some of the TV stations in Oklahoma are better than the Feds. The local news outlets use flash based radar for the detail maps, but I can blow up the thumbnail maps and get a good enough resolution.
There are some who will regret buying one when the new wears off, but I doubt it will be very many. I am finding new ways to do things that was not possible with my MacBook. The more I use this, the more I appreciate it. This evening I came home to a tornado warning. The wife and I drove to a parking garage to wait it out with hundreds of others. Everyone had the ability to monitor the reports on the radio, but with my 3G, I was able to view pictures and maps, not to mention read weather reports.

What app were you using for this? This is one of the big reasons I got an iPad...I travel a lot in areas with dicey weather and want to know what's coming my way.

The Weather Channel app is OK, but I used a link to the NWS and one of the local stations. Some of the TV stations in Oklahoma are better than the Feds. The local news outlets use flash based radar for the detail maps, but I can blow up the thumbnail maps and get a good enough resolution.
Try the Weather Bug app it has radar that works and I think u will like it, I do. Lin
I used to spend hours using my iPhone for games, browsing, IM, and now I pick it up to make a call and it seems so tiny! And that is the only thing it's used for any more, calls and text messages. My iPad is used enough that I invariably get down to 5% or less battery life every day!

The same here. Phone now is just for calls, poor iphone :( but I do love this Ipad :)

apple i pad is a breakthrough,everyone would love to have one of them, you can use it like a assistance, synchronize your pc with it, and an cool thing is you can download unlimited e books and that's great. ******************* :D
I too ordered a wifi and then 2 days later ordered a 3G...it is gonna take longer but i now believe the wait WILL be worth it... ;-]
(now to 16gb or 32gb is the question...)
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