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iPad 3G Support Group Thread

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Here's my deal for general consumption. My wife of 22 years is afflicted with MS and has very fine motor control loss and a decided tremor of anticipation. She's bedridden for most of her day. When the Amazon Kindle was introduced, I jumped on the first order and it opened up a huge window of her life: it allowed her to read by a simple push of a button. Now, this 3G iPad gizmo should allow her to push a button and see the internet and read email and maybe even communicate by social network. She's been afflicted for 17 years; she doesn't know this is coming and when it does, it should brighten her life. If she can wait for it, so can we all.

That's awesome figmo10! Just beware - when the next new toy hits it may be her posting her impatience to a thread via her iPad! :D


:D Then it would be soooooo worthwhile!
I need help before you all leave this thread, I have pre-ordered the ipad 3G 16GB. I think I made a mistake! I was getting my iphone replaced today, bad battery again, but that's a different forum! After talking to the "genius bar" I think I shouls get the 32 or 64 GB 3G ipad. I called Apple to change my order, but it would push my delivery date to 5/7....should I just let my order go thru and hot foot it to the Apple store on the 30th and try to exchange it?? Do you think they will charge the restosk fee? Any insight would be helpful, thanks
If you receive your iPad and don't open it you maybe able to upgrade. You can ask them ahead of time before receiving your iPad and get a heads up.
If it's just more memory for media you're looking for you may consider getting an airstash. I preordered one and coincidentally they are scheduled to ship on 4/30.
Well now, we have not seen any copies of your much discussed Apple notice posted here.

sickpup and pixman...I do not care if you believe me or not. I posted my info to share not to be berated. I also do not care if you believe I work govt. I have nothing to prove to you or any other negative person on here. Have you ever thought that some people work nightshifts? If you saw my log on...well
that would make sense..... I rarely log out of this forum when in iPhone. After
seeing your posts and some of the others that followed I now believe that
even if I posted the info you would have made another accusation saying I lied
or it's fake or whatever words you choose to use.....which would lead right
back to where you are now.. If my post mislead you I apologize; my intentions was for information sharing. Believe it or not. If I get my ipad as stated on the 24th great. If it comes after great. I have many
other things more important than the arrival of the ipad.

OK. Cool.

1) Show us an unpacking video with 3G at the top.
Should arrive... when again?

2) ...or, you could admit you made a boo boo.

I do not think "1)" will happen.

I think maybe your credibility is shot. ;)

Pix, your first error was looking for credibility from an anonymous forum-crawler.

And who really gives a flying fecei whether or not this person was jiving you or not? I mean, this is getting just as embarrassing for Scarlett's detractors as it is for Scarlett! Ignore her and move ON!

If people could only get as excited about real concerns, real goals and aims toward the betterment of humanity as they do about the arrival of a new toy, we'd be in much better shape as a planet. How ludicrous! I'm waiting on a 64gb 3G pad, and when it gets here, I'll enjoy it. In three years, it'll be obsolete, as far as connectivity and accessible content are concerned, and we'll all be messing ourselves over the next innovation.

People..... try a hobby that results in a CREATIVE end-product, and you'll be much calmer about the wait involved in receiving a new Apple product.

With that being stated.... C'monnnnnnnn iPAD!!!! :ipad-front:
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So i have 2 identical orders out there - for a 64gb 3g with 3 accessories. All Accessories have been received. The orders were placed on March 13 late afternoon and April 3rd in the morning respectively.

It looks like my credit card now has a charge of about $1K in the process - and Apple is the only thing I expect on the card. So -- if logic serves us they are now finishing up charging for the March 13th orders and will work days later in the month. I'll add to the post when the other gets charged. No changes on anything in the Apple store re the order.
OK. Cool.

1) Show us an unpacking video with 3G at the top.
Should arrive... when again?

2) ...or, you could admit you made a boo boo.

I do not think "1)" will happen.

I think maybe your credibility is shot. ;)

Pix, your first error was looking for credibility from an anonymous forum-crawler.

And who really gives a flying fecei whether or not this person was jiving you or not? I mean, this is getting just as embarrassing for Scarlett's detractors as it is for Scarlett! Ignore her and move ON!

If people could only get as excited about real concerns, real goals and aims toward the betterment of humanity as they do about the arrival of a new toy, we'd be in much better shape as a planet. How ludicrous! I'm waiting on a 64gb 3G pad, and when it gets here, I'll enjoy it. In three years, it'll be obsolete, as far as connectivity and accessible content are concerned, and we'll all be messing ourselves over the next innovation.

People..... try a hobby that results in a CREATIVE end-product, and you'll be much calmer about the wait involved in receiving a new Apple product.

With that being stated.... C'monnnnnnnn iPAD!!!! :ipad-front:

Yea yea yea, blah blah blah, gimme 3G IPad NOW!!!
I set an automated warning on my Amex Card to trigger when Apple hit it for the iPad. That warning just fired. I was hoping Apple would leave me alone until the minute they shipped so I would not have to pay interest if any until April 30.

Your balance has reached the notification amount you set for your TrueEarnings Card account.
As of Wed, Apr 21 at 09:07 AM ET
Pix, your first error was looking for credibility from an anonymous forum-crawler.

And who really gives a flying fecei whether or not this person was jiving you or not? I mean, this is getting just as embarrassing for Scarlett's detractors as it is for Scarlett! Ignore her and move ON!

If people could only get as excited about real concerns, real goals and aims toward the betterment of humanity as they do about the arrival of a new toy, we'd be in much better shape as a planet. How ludicrous! I'm waiting on a 64gb 3G pad, and when it gets here, I'll enjoy it. In three years, it'll be obsolete, as far as connectivity and accessible content are concerned, and we'll all be messing ourselves over the next innovation.

People..... try a hobby that results in a CREATIVE end-product, and you'll be much calmer about the wait involved in receiving a new Apple product.

With that being stated.... C'monnnnnnnn iPAD!!!! :ipad-front:

Yea yea yea, blah blah blah, gimme 3G IPad NOW!!!

Ok, I'll give.

My cc has a pending charge for $887.03 - the exact amount of my 64gb 3G iPad! I have never been so excited to see my debt go up! No change on the apple page. I ordered afternoon of 3/14.

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