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iPad 3G Support Group Thread

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We are not children (for the most part), but we are impatient adults who are bored. The vast majority of those here, know that it will arrive Friday. This will be a big event in many people's lives because they get to be a part of something that may be a big historical event in the annuals of personal computers. When you go to the circus, they do not start with the big acts. You must sit through the preliminary acts because they do not want you to leave early. And part of the show is building your expectations and attitude to fully appreciate the high wire act or whatever.

Steve Jobs is the ultimate showman when it comes to computers. He is bringing the acts in and out with the skill of a master. And this Friday, we will all stand up and cheer.
Should I worry????

My order was placed on April 16. I recieved the "magical" e-mail. Apple pre authorized my debit card last Friday. The "hold" has fallen off my checking account. I trust Apple but.....


Called Apple Monday when the hold fell off and was assured that they had everything they needed.

Should I panic????
My order was placed on April 16. I recieved the "magical" e-mail. Apple pre authorized my debit card last Friday. The "hold" has fallen off my checking account. I trust Apple but.....


Called Apple Monday when the hold fell off and was assured that they had everything they needed.

Should I panic????

nope.. seems to be there standard procedure..

Hells Yeah!!! Hells Yeah!!! Now I can go take a shower instead of hitting refresh every 5 minutes.

Fedex GROUND..... Hmmm. So much for Priority.

Location may clearly play a part in the preparation game.

Congratulations!!! Hopefully we'll be right behind you!!!
On the road today from Dayton to St Louis... Lots of FedEx trucks out here, don't have a clue if this is more than normal. Hope my ipad is in one of them.

ordered 4/3 -
prepped for shipping (last time I checked)
The wifi only folks on a different forum posted alot about how strange the delivery details were for their iPad orders. It looked to them that their packages made it from China to delivery in 4 hours. Don't know if the confusing details were intentional or what but they all received their iPads on the promised day. Be strong fellow 3G'ers! We are almost to the end of our long wait!
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