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iPad 3G Support Group Thread

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Only thing I can tell you is that they did not do this by first come first served - ie date / time ordered. I watched people reporting different dates at different times. Could be regional, could be shipment related - not sure. You should probably wait until about noon and then call Apple.

People need to stop panicking!! You sound worse than my 2 year old wanting ice cream. Grow up! You will get the Ipad when it shows up on Friday. Enough already

Here's a tip.... if you find it irritating, WHY come into a thread, 1,100+ posts DEEP, and take the time to remark? This is a 50,000+ view thread, focused exclusively on impatient 2-year-olds like us. The fact that you're skimming it, only to find yourself annoyed by the theme, says more about you than it does about me.

One Love!! :p

2 year olds - speak for yourself! I'm a 6 year old - whose parents have told for the past 2 months that Santa and Christmas was coming "Late December"! Late December? Can you imaging what your little tykes would do if you told them Santa came Late December? Then you later told them that Santa would be here by December 30th!

Now - all of us 6 year olds have been informed that Santa is indeed coming and will be here on December 25th! Yippie! But now the 6 year olds just want to make sure that Santa has them on their delivery list - and has the latest report on all the good things they've done.

What we really need to see is reindeer a$$ disappearing over the rise of the next hill after delivering our freaking iPads!
Northern va

Can we keep this forum going after we receive our babies? I feel the warmth and love since we have bonded. I feel all warm and fuzzy!

OH, sorry! That's just goose bumps! :D:D

Seriously, I would like to stay in touch.

Of course! This is 3G support. We can continue to help eachother. Only now we will finally have the obsession in our hands! I'm so psyched...

ME TOO! And YES, I am yelling!!! From the roof tops. I may not sleep for the next three nights. Bodily functions may have to continue!!! But that's ok.
I guess I will put my chair on the front porch on Friday. Even if I need to put my coat on!

The weather in N Va is suppose to be in the 80"s I will be on my porch to, no coat needed ;)

Hells Yeah!!! Hells Yeah!!! Now I can go take a shower instead of hitting refresh every 5 minutes.
I don't know how Apple does business. I don't understand how they could or would prepare something for shipment when they haven't charged my cc yet. Can anyone explain this? However they do it I am glad that mine is also PFS
I'm in the NYC area, and I had pre-ordered the 64gb 3G.
My status still reads "Not Yet Shipped".

Anyone else in my area still not seeing the "Prepared for Shipping" status change?

Only thing I can tell you is that they did not do this by first come first served - ie date / time ordered. I watched people reporting different dates at different times. Could be regional, could be shipment related - not sure. You should probably wait until about noon and then call Apple.

People need to stop panicking!! You sound worse than my 2 year old wanting ice cream. Grow up! You will get the Ipad when it shows up on Friday. Enough already

Haha! Here's your post from yesterday:

"I sit in front of my computer....hitting refresh every 5 minutes. Silently shivering and ignoring my wife and son. When have I last eaten...I dont know. I do know however that my life is on hold until I receive shipping info. Oh god why!! Oh why must I wait!! I havent gone to work in 3 days, I cannot concentrate on anything, including my bodily functions. Please apple!!! Please...Ship soon."

Funny hypocrite.
I don't know how Apple does business. I don't understand how they could or would prepare something for shipment when they haven't charged my cc yet. Can anyone explain this? However they do it I am glad that mine is also PFS

Could it be the Big Steve is giving us the Pads for FREE!!!!! :confused::confused: I wish.. the guy at my bank informed me that the charges will stick since the cards have be verified and the funds have been kept on hold, although we see fund cleared, we really can’t spend once they ship.. Once they go in for the kill switch and funds have been tampered with, the shipment is blocked.. or worse cancelled ..shock horror:eek::eek:

Hells Yeah!!! Hells Yeah!!! Now I can go take a shower instead of hitting refresh every 5 minutes.

That's a very different notification from the other shipments I have had. The others spell out federal express and give you the option to print invoice right after it. Before the QTY there should be UNIT PRICE. And it shipped yesterday? Weird screen capture. I'm not doubting you it just looks very different.
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This is great fun, I have to say that Apple definitely have an appreciation of theatre... it's great fun to see everyone microscopically checking: (1) their email (2) the Apple site (3) order detail on Apple site (4) this great site... and comment and discuss in the finest detail... I am extremely guilty of all of the above LOL... it's a way to pass the time with other equally neurotic people LOL.

It's also FUN and honestly something to brighten the day - at least for me!

Apple have really created an amazing product - especially when I look at myself - a PC enthusiast with a collection (yes I said COLLECTION) of PC Laptops and HTC Windows Mobile Phones... and not a single Apple product of my own... LOL

And last night - I spent two hours "preparing" - setting up a directory on my network drive for all the apps... downloading a boatload of apps, upgrading my Itunes (thank you whoever told us about that!) and reading the bloody manual on the Apple Site... when was the last time I read a Manual!

I need treatment... no... I need a Fedex Tracking Number... hold on... it's been like 3 minutes... quickly - check my email, website, order details, this site again... aagghh

Thank you Mitch1 the update for Itunes does have a ipad update in it. I just checked and downloaded it. Thanks again and everyone UPDATE UR ITUNES as it DOES have a ipad update in it.

I wonder if that was a Mac only upgrade? It looks like really bad timing to pop up with an iTunes upgrade like the day after the false upgrade issue came out.

iTunes 9.1.1 is for everyone.

The issue yesterday was for clueless Windows users who could be tricked into running a malware executable file with the label iTunes.

FYI always upgrade Apple software from within Apple software. Do not run a file someone steers you to on the Internet which will compromise your security.

The iPad is very secure as it creates a walled garden for your family or business. The affluent all over the world will attest to the value of having a private real walled garden and they have no problems with the value of a virtual walled garden.

You can ruin the iPad security Apple provides if you do something really stupid like answer an email that wants your social security number, birthday date and the code to your credit cards and bank account. Apple nor any other tech firm can not protect one from being dumb.
Hi guys! I had to come to the apple store to get my iPhone fixed and I'm typing this on a beautiful iPad!!! This thing rocks!! Can't wait till Friday!!! Woo-hoooooo!!
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