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iPad 4.2 OS Coming in November

I hope the Apple should offer not only the updating OS, but also the hardware .
such as A ipad detachable keyboard

...eerrr.... You mean like the Apple Bluetooth keyboard? :rolleyes:

P.S. Not wanting to sound like a mod, but can you get rid of that flash translate thing from your post, as it just sticks a load of junk in when I reply to your post on a glorious device that tends to ignore flash crap, or at least put it into a proper signature.


Thankyou. ;)
They mis-underestimated the clamor that has arisen from the 3.2 mil customers for things like multitasking and folders. I hope they are true folders, not just the "stack apps to produce a folder of apps" that has been discussed. Although that would be very useful.

What we need is the ability to build new custom folders related to each app that has/develops/imports data/photos/ & etc.. It is not clear that is what we are getting. Does anyone have any feedback on the 4.x that is in the iPhone 4?
It's the "stack apps to produce a folder of apps" that we're getting. It will be the same as iOS4 on the iPhone, that's just how their business model works.

Personally, I'm perfectly happy using mobile.me/dropbox as my "folder". Simple and easy as far as I'm concerned. :)
They mis-underestimated the clamor that has arisen from the 3.2 mil customers for things like multitasking and folders. I hope they are true folders, not just the "stack apps to produce a folder of apps" that has been discussed. Although that would be very useful.

What we need is the ability to build new custom folders related to each app that has/develops/imports data/photos/ & etc.. It is not clear that is what we are getting. Does anyone have any feedback on the 4.x that is in the iPhone 4?
They never said OS-level folders and that is certainly not coming any time soon. It's the same thing as on the iPhone: folders for apps only. I hope to God though that there is no 12 app limit on folders on the ipad. I hate that limitation now on my iPhone, and the icons take up a lot more room than on iPad. Fortunately I have InfiniFolders on my i4, which takes away that 12 app limit (jailbreak app).
I'm hoping to have more control over the pad via bluetooth, I.E. issue voice commands, use it for a phone call, and answer calls after'push' notification using the bluetooth controls.
Email improvements... OK, but will there still be the ridiculous limit on the # of emails that can be accessed? ATM this is the most recent 200 received (including any that have been deleted). Will there be collapsible directories/ sub-directories?

New keyboard... OK, but will there be a full qwerty one with the #s on the 4th row at the top and symbols at the sides? Switching between keyboard screens is a big PITA.
Wireless printing


This is the news about wireless printing enhancement

(more things here thewebabout.com)
I hope they won't go soft on Flash.
One of the big advantages of the iPad is that Flash is NOT running on iOS.

Flash is a nuisance, one of the worst nightmares in terms of security imaginable and furthermore drains your battery faster than you can recharge it.
I wonder what all those people whining about Flash would say if they really got it?
Battery runtime down to max. two hours; Trojans, Virii and Spyware blockig the System... I guess they'd blame it on Apple.
I hope they won't go soft on Flash.
One of the big advantages of the iPad is that Flash is NOT running on iOS.

Flash is a nuisance, one of the worst nightmares in terms of security imaginable and furthermore drains your battery faster than you can recharge it.
I wonder what all those people whining about Flash would say if they really got it?
Battery runtime down to max. two hours; Trojans, Virii and Spyware blockig the System... I guess they'd blame it on Apple.

Flash is everywhere - lots of pages have flash, that's why the right thing is to blame apple. For example, browser based games, video players (the main reason for whining so much about lack of flash!) What else, let's cut off viewers of pictures, movies, whole web sites, let's remove the css, xml and php...and we're back in time when the internet was mainly for file transfer and chat (like sms).

So, let me choose if I want to play the flash content instead of apple cutting it off. That's why I don't agree with with you. Flash is a very important part of the internet browsing nowadays. My windows phone even has it! Android, windows and linux OSesalso support it! I prefer to have an option to play the flash content , then not to have an option at all. For me, Flash is very inportant. That's my personal opinion.

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