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iPad 4.3.3 but iTunes asking to "Restore"


iPF Noob
I have a jailbroken iPad2 4.3.3. But just recently, my iTunes popped up saying that it couldn't read the contents on the iPad and that I needed to Restore. Which would be fine, EXCEPT Apple just updated to 4.3.4. My iTunes had no problems syncing w/ jb iPad2 UNTIL 4.3.4 was released.

Now I wouldn't mind JUST restoring IF my iTunes wouldn't automatically download and update to 4.3.4.

So my question: I haven't downloaded 4.3.4, but if I click "Restore", it says: "Are you sure you want to restore the iPad “iPad†to its factory settings? All of your media and other data will be erased, and the newest version of the iPad software will be installed."

Will it restore to 4.3.3, or automatically SCREW me over and download 4.3.4 even if I don't want it to? Which would be a royal screw job from Apple to me. I feel like this is a ploy by Apple/iTunes to get everyones' JB iPads to upgrade so they can screw jailbreakers.

Thanks in advance for your answers.
"iTunes could not contact the iPad software update server because you are not connected to the internet."

Damn you, Apple... Well played, sir... Well played.

I guess I'll just hang tight w/ my 4.3.3 iPad until they release a 4.3.4 JB.

If I need music, I can just load via DiskAid I think. Thanks for your help.
hey don't give up, i think i came across this already, i just have to remember or someone else will add later.

did you uncheck the check for software updates automatically...
I downloaded an app through cydia last night that locked up my jb iPad2 and I had no choice to restore and ran into the same issue your having. Here is the fix. Google iOS for iPad 2 wifi...should be 4.3.3...j82 i think. Anyway download it. Once it finished, hook up your iPad to your pc, launch iTunes. Select you iPad2 from the left column then push and hold shift then hit the restore button. You should get a window that will allow you to select the iOS you just downloaded instead of downloading 4.3.4. Done.
Okay, so my iPad2 is Verizon with 3G. I downloaded the iOS 4.3.3 CDMA correct? Well, when I hit shift, and select this 4.3.3 it gave me error 1013 while trying to Restore. And now... I have nothing. *Insert Fail Horn from PriceIsRight for me*

Damn it. I suck. I should've just left it at 4.3.3. :/

If you guys can somehow help me fix this, I'll be forever gracious.
Okay, so my iPad2 is Verizon with 3G. I downloaded the iOS 4.3.3 CDMA correct? Well, when I hit shift, and select this 4.3.3 it gave me error 1013 while trying to Restore. And now... I have nothing.

Damn it. I suck. I should've just left it at 4.3.3. :/

did you take the advice and save shsh blobs, i see apple has stop signing 4.3.3
I think one of the problems people are having is that iTunes is going through an update at moment, I feel there may be something in that.

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