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iPad Air 2 keyboard cases?


iPF Noob
Does anyone have any suggestions for a decent keyboard case for the Air 2?

The one I was given is a Belkin one, and it's...kinda crappy, tbh. The keys are too close together, some keys are moved to completely different locations than the standard QWERTY setup (for example, the : ; key is now directly to the right of the spacebar, instead of directly to the right of the L key) Furthermore, the forward slash is on the , key, and requires you to hold shift...egh, who the hell designed this crap?

It also lacks a Ctrl key, instead having a Siri key...Ctrl key is crucial for me because my most-used app is a remote desktop app, so having no Ctrl key is really frustrating. (can't Ctrl-T / Ctrl-W to open/close tabs)

My previous iPad (2nd generation), I used a Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard Case, and it was great. But looking at the reviews for the iPad Air 2 version, it's nothing but complaints and criticisms, mostly about the hinge, which is apparently really low quality or something.

So...any suggestions on a good keyboard case for Air 2?
Okay, yeah, the Logitech Ultrathin for iPad Air really does suck. A lot. Got to test it at the local Apple Store, and it's just a messy abomination compared to its superior older sibling for the iPad 2.

The hinge mechanism is really weird and not as responsive as the original, and I couldn't get the "viewing angle" thing to work either. Worst of all though, is that the thing doesn't even fully close when folding it up as a cover! I mean...Moderator Edit: inappropriate language...rules contravened The original one folded perfectly shut when closed on top of the iPad, the new one doesn't. Did they even test this crap before they mass-produced, marketed and released it?

And to make things worse, the Ctrl key is moved to the right side of the keyboard. And it was $100. And it was the only iPad Air keyboard that I could find at the Apple Store, and other stores that carried iPad accessories. Edited. Monopoly, much?

Did some searching on Amazon and found an "Anker" keyboard case with tons of great reviews, which looks like it was modeled after the original Logitech Ultrathin (right down to being named "Ultra-slim" instead of "Ultra-thin") and was only $35 instead of $100. :p
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