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Ipad Air 7.1.1 just got stuck on boot logo

Oh No..... I am so upset about this - Ive been on JB IOS devices since the Geohot days. My beloved Ipad Air ran out of juice today, and after I threw it on a charger for about 30min, I noticed the boot logo on the screen, and it was stuck there. Now I cant get it to boot - power and home for 10 seconds gets it to power off the boot logo screen, then it comes back, shows for about 10 seconds, then gets kinda dim, but no boot. Ive tried recovery fix with redsnow, snowbreeze, nothing works - it just wont boot.
The only think I can remotely think of that may have caused this is I was playing with ifile a few days ago, peeking around what I might delete to free up some space. The only thing I did was try to watch a MKV file with the ifile video player in some directory to see what it was, and the ipad locked up. I rebooted it by power/home for 10sec and all was good again.
I will miss xbmc the most:(
oh well, here comes IOS8 unless any of you gurus have any great ideas - please feel free to chime in - Thanks!
Recovery fixes don't work on the iPad Air. RedSn0w, Sn0wBreeze, and all the legacy utilities utilize LimeRa1n, which the iPad Air is not susceptible to.

NEVER use iFile to free up space. That's the capital reason that devices end up in boot loops.

Possible solution, plug a pair of headphones into the headphone jack, and shine a light directly at the ambient light sensor. Then perform a hard reset. If it doesn't boot, try with only the jack or only the light. If none of these work, you most likely disrupted your boot chain by deleting something in iFile.

You can also attempt to boot into No Substrate mode assuming it's a substrate issue and not a boot chain issue.

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