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iPad Appears on Jimmy Fallon!


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The iPad continues to make the rounds on late night TV. Tonight appearing on Jimmy Fallon was Engadget's head honcho Joshua Topolsky showing off this cool new pad. Check out the videos, the demo of the e-text book is just amazing!

and one more video after the jump:

[Source: Engadget.com]
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That video put a big smile on my face, so funny...

I only wished he would have a been a little more nerdy and explained about HTML5 support and how a lot of companies are jumping on board to support video content on their pages using it instead of Flash, just for the iPad.

Man, I can not wait, instead of waking up to check e-mail in the middle of the night, I am finding myself watching a Jimmy Fallon video with the iPad. Perhaps tonight I wont even be sleeping, instead I will be reading on my new iPad! :D

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