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iPad Apps are up in Itunes!

Great tip to download iPad apps before the massive scramble and server hit on Saturday. I remember when I got my iPhone 3G and the servers were so busy, things took forever to link up while everyone was playing with their new toys.

I also hope that the iPhone apps I have will also be installed on the iPad, but we'll see if I need to pay again.
Yes, Captain... they are $9.99 each. That's what I thought they would be based on the original announcement. Still, not a bad deal, really. And not everyone needs all of them. I didn't get keynote yet. I probably will eventually, but I don't really need it at this point. I don't give a lot of presentations.
I changed my mind and downloaded all the free apps I am interested in. Even twitterific. I want to see what the one I paid for on iphone looks like compared to the free on ipad before I decide if I want to buy ipad upgrade for 4.99:comingsoon:
I was looking at the apps and something to keep in mind, some of the apps you already bought will update to the ipad version without paying again. I noticed solitaire city deluxe has an ipad ver built in to The iPhone ver. So before u start spending money make sure you have to.
I have MLB AT BAT for the Iphone, do I have to purchase again for the ipad ????

Unfortunately I think we will. We are getting WAY more on the iPad version from what I have seen though. I'm not too bent on having to pay the $15 again... especially since I got in on the SlickDeal of MLB.TV Premium for only $20. I can't wait to watch my Cardinals games on this thing while lounging out by the pool this summer!!!
I was looking at the apps and something to keep in mind, some of the apps you already bought will update to the ipad version without paying again. I noticed solitaire city deluxe has an ipad ver built in to The iPhone ver. So before u start spending money make sure you have to.

yep, and luckily Apple did a good job on our apps organization so we can see which ones work with ipad and which don't.

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