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iPad Apps Crashing more and more

I think a lot of us will be upgrading to 3. I suspect that many of us have pushed 1 as far as it can go and IOS 5 really taxes it. I turned off a lot of options and that helps but I also find I'm doing a lot of soft resets too which does help along with closing apps (I wish there was some easy way to "close all"). I've enjoyed my Ipad which I've had since they came out but am looking forward to the upgrade.
Same story here. Ipad1 with too many random crashes. Very frustrating.
Thanks to all for the suggested fixes. Will try them out and see how it goes. Though I'm sure apples favorite bit of advice is buy an ipad3. Surely there should be more economical ways of keeping these devices operating well for a bit longer.
Hi all!

I have an iPad 1 (16BG 3G) which I bought through a contract in March/April 2011. The iPad has been fasntastic ever since, at my side constantly and integral to organisation and work among other things.

About 3 months ago, I noticed that apps started crashing more and more. Recently downloaded "Spice Invaders", "Unbeatable Zorg" amongst others and they all keep crashing. Even basic apps such as Evernote, Pages, Google and the App Store are crashing more and more (I can't even get into "For Business" part of App Store. Neither can a few other friends with iPad 1).

I just wanted to know if other people with 1st Gen iPads are finding the same thing?

I have yet to call support (although according to Apple, the 90 days in which I can get support have expired) but just wondered if anyone has any suggestions? I'm going to try the obvious like letting the battery run flat, turn off and turn on completely and finally, total restore.

Again, just wondering if anyone else is experiencing the same problems and how you solved them?

Thanks - Dave

I am having the exact same problem with my iPad and I bought it about the same time. I still have a support contract, so I'm going to call Apple.
I did not call Apple yet. Safari is mostly crashing on one site - ancestry.com. I am now using the iswifter browser for that site and it does not crash. The browser is also supposed to support flash on the iPad also, but I haven't tried that yet. Hope this info helps
I've still got my iPad I. .. iTunes is the only app that crashes for me on a pretty regular basis. Otherwise, app crashes aren't really an issue for me. If I use iTunes to browse through albums and listen to the song samples, the whole app will crash after the third or fourth album. Some podcasts crash the app when I try to download them.. This has gone on for the last couple of versions of IOS. It's not a new thing for me. It kind of bugs me since it's a native Apple app...
Sandir said:
I am having the exact same problem with my iPad and I bought it about the same time. I still have a support contract, so I'm going to call Apple.

Yes I'm having same problem with every app I open !
Sandir said:
I did not call Apple yet. Safari is mostly crashing on one site - ancestry.com. I am now using the iswifter browser for that site and it does not crash. The browser is also supposed to support flash on the iPad also, but I haven't tried that yet. Hope this info helps

Have you found a solution to the ancestry/ flash problem yet? I've been searching for an answer and am trying to determine what to do next. It's frustrating because I was able to read census documents previously and can't do so now. Ancestry says its an iPad problem. What have you learned?
Yep also having this problem and have tried everything posted here and elsewhere on the net to no avail.

I'm slightly happy to see others with the same issue as I jail broke leith Redsnow and was really hoping that wasn't the problem as I don't want to revert. Oh well, looks like its time to upgrade... As for myself I'm jumping ship on iDevices, not that they are bad (to the contrary actually) there's just better value elsewhere at the moment.
Yep also having this problem and have tried everything posted here and elsewhere on the net to no avail.

I'm slightly happy to see others with the same issue as I jail broke leith Redsnow and was really hoping that wasn't the problem as I don't want to revert. Oh well, looks like its time to upgrade... As for myself I'm jumping ship on iDevices, not that they are bad (to the contrary actually) there's just better value elsewhere at the moment.

I have a jail broken iPad 2 and have not experienced any issued with my apps. Every app that I've installed has been from a reputable repro and not one that provides pirated apps.
What apps are causing you issues and what repro's are you accessing?

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