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IPad Artstudio instructions

Thanks. Can someone tell me how I can then offset one layer from the other (so that they do not precisely overlap)? Or crop one layer and not another? I want to create a montage of portions of photos. Can I do this with layers as in Photoshop where each layer is a photo with adjustments (including brightness, contrast, etc.) made independently?
Roughly , yes, but with more control over each photo (brightness, contrast, transparency, etc.). I have ArtStudio and was trying to find a way to do this but the layers don't seem to be entirely independent (unless I'm missing something).
I think I understand. Once you import your pic per layer...tap on Layers tab @ bottom then tap desired layer then a pop will appear and then choose "transform".

There is also a transparency slider at bottom to tweak also.
That seems to work except for 2 things. One minor problem is that if you use Transform and then want to move the layer while in Landscape mode, the arrows still operate as if in portrait orientation. Obviously that is a minor issue. A bigger (or at least more tedious problem) is that moving a layer (or rotating or scaling) requires that you repeatedly hit the arrow keys (or scale buttons) in order to adjust one pixel at a time. Holding it down does not auto-repeat. It would be great if you could just use your finger to position the layer or two finger to scale and rotate as well as have the option of entering a pixel amount or angle and have it make the transform.
That seems to work except for 2 things. One minor problem is that if you use Transform and then want to move the layer while in Landscape mode, the arrows still operate as if in portrait orientation. Obviously that is a minor issue. A bigger (or at least more tedious problem) is that moving a layer (or rotating or scaling) requires that you repeatedly hit the arrow keys (or scale buttons) in order to adjust one pixel at a time. Holding it down does not auto-repeat. It would be great if you could just use your finger to position the layer or two finger to scale and rotate as well as have the option of entering a pixel amount or angle and have it make the transform.

I understand the minor problem....but with the "bigger" issue you are having: You can use your finger to move layer and 2 fingers to scale/rotate layer. The arrows are there to help fine tune your adjustment.
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The author of ArtStudio promptly responded to me and said that the transform mode arrow behavior will be corrected for landscape mode. More importantly, he also pointed out that multi-touch gestures can be used to quickly scale, move, rotate layers and that the arrows are for precise 1 pixel adjustments. Perfect! Just what I was hoping for.
Rotating text

Is the proper way to rotate text using ArtStudio, to put the text to be rotated on a separate layer and then use Transform on that layer?
You may also want to check out mirage in the app store. Allows you to add color, stroke, perspective, free form, reflection and a few other tweaks to your text and pics. Save and then import into art studio since it can't or I'm missing something.

Also check out lensflare...adds various lens flares to your pics for that little extra touch.

[rant]My only gripe is that the ipad is clearly capable of all these type of functions so why the hell isn't there a single app that does all that? Memory? Just a big pain the arse to flop flop between the apps.[/rant]
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Art Studio circle angles

I couldn't find how to start a new thread, so hopefully I'm posting in the correct area.

I was using the circle tool and I noticed that it only goes in up and down directions, like I can't make an angled oval. I'm not sure if I'm making sense, but basically I'm creating leaves, and want them slanted. Any suggestions?
I couldn't find how to start a new thread, so hopefully I'm posting in the correct area.

I was using the circle tool and I noticed that it only goes in up and down directions, like I can't make an angled oval. I'm not sure if I'm making sense, but basically I'm creating leaves, and want them slanted. Any suggestions?

Sorry I don't think it does....
Can you place a leaf on a separate layer and then use scale/rotate function? Then once you have them at an angle you want to keep then merge the layers in order to add more layers.
Slowly figuring out most features, still looking for good tutorials.

I too am new to artstudio and trying to learn how to manage the features. I did not find the instruction manual very helpful, albeit colorful. I am trying to add color when using the tool that allows you to make straight lines, cirlces, squares... The spray can is to large of a space and the paint brush is not giving me the solid color I want. The pencil is messy or maybe it is just my learning curve.

Is there a better tutorial?
That seems to work except for 2 things. One minor problem is that if you use Transform and then want to move the layer while in Landscape mode, the arrows still operate as if in portrait orientation. Obviously that is a minor issue. A bigger (or at least more tedious problem) is that moving a layer (or rotating or scaling) requires that you repeatedly hit the arrow keys (or scale buttons) in order to adjust one pixel at a time. Holding it down does not auto-repeat. It would be great if you could just use your finger to position the layer or two finger to scale and rotate as well as have the option of entering a pixel amount or angle and have it make the transform.

But you CAN do what you want. If you select rotation, just use two fingers to rotate the layer. If you select scale, drag with two fingers to quickly enlarge. To move, drag in the same direction with two fingers. Just keep an eye on the layer you've selected, otherwise you might be manipulating nothing in particular.

To just drag a piece of a picture somewhere, use the selection tool to drag a border around the area you want, hold finger down on the Layer icon at the bottom, click Transform, then Move. Use two fingers to drag the selection to where you want to go. Click Apply. Note that this leaves you in the same layer.

On the other hand, if you want to copy a selection, rather than move it, highlight the area you want with the selection tool, hold down the Select icon, and click Copy, then Paste. The selection will now be on a new layer. To move it around, hold down layer icon, Transform, Move, then you can drag the shape where you want using two fingers, and hit Apply when finished. You might then choose to merge the two layers down to one.

It helps a lot if you're familiar with photoshop, but some of the gestures etc seem a bit odd until you get used to them. I find it really great for manipulating graphics files of music, and other things.
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Can someone PLEASE tell me how to use the text tool? I am getting a grey text field, that never goes away! Am I missing something? How can I enter my text in the grey field, the make the field go away so I can place my text?

Thanks much!

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