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iPad Backup Syncing taking Forever!


iPF Noob
Hello. I was one of the lucky ones who got a 32GB ipad on launch day at a Best Buy. Yesterday all was fine - synced music, apps, video without a hitch using iTunes. Also purchased some apps from the device itself.
Today when I pluged the ipad into my PC it started the "Backing up iPad" sync around 1 hour ago and it is still only half finished! Something must be wrong. Does anyone have any insights or answers why this is taking soooo long? Help.
iPad Backup

The iPad backup routine is much faster now. I think the first version of the Wall Street Journal App was what was making it originally take sooo long. I read in the release notes of the updated Wall Street app that it was designed to allow a faster backup. Anyway all is much better now.
I have the same problem. How come I have to back up everytime before it sync's. How come I can't decide when I want to back up. If you upload a ton of info eather in an app or photos or anything else the next time you sync the damn thing it takes forever. This is bs, how do you disable the back up? I should be able to chose when I want to perform a back up. And why do I have to use that damn itunes program, Its a piece of crap
I have the same problem. How come I have to back up everytime before it sync's. How come I can't decide when I want to back up. If you upload a ton of info eather in an app or photos or anything else the next time you sync the damn thing it takes forever. This is bs, how do you disable the back up? I should be able to chose when I want to perform a back up. And why do I have to use that damn itunes program, Its a piece of crap

Backup is essential for iPad. Because if you don't do it frequently, or even worse - manually, then you will be the first to complain, that you data is lost, when you have to do a "roll-back" or a factory restore of the device.

That sometime the backup takes longer, depends on app or other content purchases. There are apps out there with 1-2GB data (i.e. Xe).

I wonder, when Apple finally will provide Wifi-Synching.

And btw. you can chose, if you want to backup or not. But default is YES.
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chipzip said:
Hello. I was one of the lucky ones who got a 32GB ipad on launch day at a Best Buy. Yesterday all was fine - synced music, apps, video without a hitch using iTunes. Also purchased some apps from the device itself.
Today when I pluged the ipad into my PC it started the "Backing up iPad" sync around 1 hour ago and it is still only half finished! Something must be wrong. Does anyone have any insights or answers why this is taking soooo long? Help.
A corrupt app pict or music file will cause it. Need to disable sync with apps /picts then sync 5 -30 at a time to isolate. iItakes a while but you should find problem same as iPhone I had 5 Picts causing drama with sync

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
A corrupt app pict or music file will cause it. Need to disable sync with apps /picts then sync 5 -30 at a time to isolate. iItakes a while but you should find problem same as iPhone I had 5 Picts causing drama with sync

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk[/QUOTE]

That is what I thought, So I deleted all the pics in the photo album, deleted an app that I thought was causing the problem. Started back up at 2:30 am. At 7:30 am only 1/3 finished. This is an itunes problem. Why do we have to subjected to this piece of crap. I can back up a 1TB hard drive faster than this. We all have spent too much money to have itunes be the bottle neck
it has to be a corrupted file/app. I have not had any issues with syncing-actually I was expecting it to be much longer.
I completely agree - my iPad is brand new and on only the third sync it started taking more than an hour to "backup". I have had the same problem with my iPhone which at one point was taking more than 18 hours to backup. Apple Support's solution was to uninstall iTunes and everything else remotely Apple related (quicktime etc) and reinstall all from scratch. I wish I could just uninstall iTunes and never EVER have to use it again - it is far and away the worst piece of software I have on my PC.
Just to answer to the one post wonders above.... If you have a legit complaint, I understand. But most people do not see "18 hour" syncs. Mine, which is done on a single core Atom processor netbook, takes 5 minutes max...... Unless I have added several apps....
I have never seen a backup time of that much...and my 64GB iPad is always full...with about 2.5GB of apps. Takes me about 30 seconds to back up. But then again I have 4.26GHz dual core, 4GB overclocked RAM, fast hard drives, etc.
My brand new iPad appears to be 'bricked'. Can't run ANY download application -- just a flash of opening and it closes again. Had the problem of 'backup' not working, then the ipad wasn't recognised at all. Did a factory restore (many hundreds of megabytes download). That restored it to the default but when I put on applications, they don't work for some unknown reason. I'm stuck and very very frustrated with my new device.
Take it back to apple it may be a hardware problem and if so will replace it

Cheers Colin
A corrupt app pict or music file will cause it. Need to disable sync with apps /picts then sync 5 -30 at a time to isolate. iItakes a while but you should find problem same as iPhone I had 5 Picts causing drama with sync

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That is what I thought, So I deleted all the pics in the photo album, deleted an app that I thought was causing the problem. Started back up at 2:30 am. At 7:30 am only 1/3 finished. This is an itunes problem. Why do we have to subjected to this piece of crap. I can back up a 1TB hard drive faster than this. We all have spent too much money to have itunes be the bottle neck[/QUOTE]

There is nothing wrong with iTunes I sync apple tv 2 iPhones an iPod touch no problem all in a few minutes
The problem you have is a corrupt file music movie photo or application that is preventing it running correctly Either manually sync by turning off everything you don't need or restore will fix it. I should point out if you back up a corrupt file on a back up from your main drive to your 1tb drive the issue is the back up file is unusable. What we do not know is what you have actually installed on your iPad

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