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iPad Backup Syncing taking Forever!

Just to answer to the one post wonders above.... If you have a legit complaint, I understand. But most people do not see "18 hour" syncs. Mine, which is done on a single core Atom processor netbook, takes 5 minutes max...... Unless I have added several apps....

The issue isnt with the speed of the computer, it is something to do with the iPad / iPhone / iTunes combo and presumably something to do with corrupted files. If it is a corruption problem then it is just plain bizarre if a few hours of 'normal' use and foolishly installing a few apps using the machine instead of iTunes results in corrupted files to the extent that I need to delete everything and reinstall iTunes (which is what Apple Support had me do with my iPhone).

And yes, most people may not see 18 hour syncs, but a hell of a lot of people see very very long ones - just search google for: iphone backup takes forever

As far as I can see this problem has never been resolved and is rearing its head with the iPad as well
I am another unlucky person to face a near 8 hour backing up!

In my case, I guess the apps on which I have loaded files (e.g. I use Stanza, PDF Comrade for certain category of pdf files) I found that the files loaded onto these application are backed up in C:\Users\xxxxxxxx\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes folder. The more data you have on these apps, the longer it takes to backup (especially the first time you backup!)
Can some expert check and validate this please?
Is it possible to change backup location?

My problem is that the Ipad backup folder get so big that it fills up my C drive. Does anyone know if it is possible to make itunes place the backup folder on a different location??
Back to this issue, when you do an automatic backup through iTunes are you literally backing up everything on the iPad? I just added 1-gb of movies into the CineXPlayer App and the backup is still running and running.

This took quite some time; next time I will actually time it.

Also, here is a screen shot of my backup folder; because I unplugged my iPad several times it was backuped several times.

1. What about disabling automatic backup and only doing it once a day?

2. Would it be safe to delete everything below the 8:36am entries in that the 8:36 entries - the most recent backups - would contain all that is on the iPad?



  • iPad Backup.webp
    iPad Backup.webp
    43.3 KB · Views: 352
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This problem is quite common and there is almost no iPad user untouched from the problem. ITunes does seem to be capable enough to backup and sync vital huge amount of data from ipad to system and vice versa, concerning these difficulties it is better to use ipad backup software. it has capability to quickly backup songs, emails, contacts as well as ipad trash.

I did this download and install - fortunately I did not pay for it! - because instead of installing iPad Backup Software it installed Cucusoft iPad converter - no backup software!!

Not being cucu I uninstalled this unwanted converter.
I just added 1-gb of movies into the CineXPlayer App

I am also usint CineXPlayer and i have uploaded something like 20 films to this app. I am also suspecting that this inflates the size of the backup folder. I really would like to know if there is a way to redirect the location of that backup folder to a drive on my PC with more avail space!
I also have a lot of movies using Cinxplayer. I have done a lot of research about this problem. I have found out that itunes cannot handle very large files quickly. and back ups take forever.Everytime I need to perform a backup ,I end up removing all movies and photos before the back up. Since all your music and apps are already stored in itunes, I don't think backing up your ipad is nescessary anyhow.
this is a pretty serious problem on my ipad now. New PC, fresh install, and now I have the same issue I had with another machine a month back. I started a backup (first time plugged into machine) 9pm last night. It's now 2:30pm the next day and still on step 1 of 3. Progress bar is moving but at a snails pace.

This issue is rampant over the internet and there seems to be various explanations. Yes I have Zinio, the latest version. I'm at work now, but I'm remoted into my machine at the house where the ipad is connected. I'm just curious now to see how long its going to take.

FYI, I have a 32gig wifi model, and I have 25gig FREE on it.
iPad Backup - Too Slow

This thread is rampant..where is at least a tech support acknowledgment of the problem.

Last backup I did took 2 hours...and since the backup (supposedly) does NOT back up photos, videos,or music...there isnt too mych to back up.

In the backup directory..there are now 22,000+ files. What are these?? Todays backup added another 4000 files...as i said what are these?

Are there any apps that replace this backup?

Apple - please make a statement about this..Id rather hear bad news..than no news.
i'm having the same problem, i have no clue why "backing up" takes 1-2 hours... 32gig wife with about 21 gig free.... and my iphone 4 is 12 or 16gig used, same itunes, same cable same puter.... iphone takes 5 min, if that...... omg this is killing me!!! i've deleted the back up and same problem. just seems to me the ram is a$$ slow or something. has anyone ever had a fast ipad sync? with 10-12gig's used?
Ok I found out a little about this from another board. The slowness is caused by a bad app or a corrupt file..or an app that has a lot of stuff. No logic to that..but it is what it is. There is a way to see how long each app is taking to backup. I did this. My total backup took 117 minutes..56 of those minutes were from Zinio, NYTimes, and wall street journal.

As I said...this isn't an answer..what we need is the ability to at least say..don't back up app xxxxx. And a true backup. This is where we get into the area of..the iPad is NOT a PC or a Mac..it's file structure is whack and it does things in it's own way. Usually not a problem until you need to do a basic service like backup. apple. Are you listening?
There is a way to see how long each app is taking to backup. I did this. My total backup took 117 minutes..56 of those minutes were from Zinio, NYTimes, and wall street journal.

How did you manage to measure how long it takes to sync each individual app?
Ipad Backup..How To Analyze

The following was posted on Apple Discussions.
On Wed Jun 02 16:47:41 MDT 2010, kschipper wrote:
Subject: Re: Very Slow iPad Backup/Sync

Also *posted elesewhere but of use to those following these messages.<br />
<br />
How to determine which application is causing a slow backup.<br />
<br />
If you are using a Windows computer you can determine which application is causing the backup problem. I am using Windows 7 and will describe the procedure. I believe you will find similar information on previous versions of Window and on a Mac with slight location and nameing differences.<br />
<br />
First, what a backup does is to copy your information to a location on you hard drive (I know, we all knew this but needed to start at the beginning) On a Windows 7 computer you will find it at the following location: C:\Users\kschipper\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\b0fa9840a350ec400e966556b4fed968145b9285<br />
<br />
To view this information you will first need to go into you View options and to tell Windows to display hidden system files. (Windows...Open Windows Explorer, press the Alt key...Choose tools from the Menu which will now be available...Choose Folder Options...Select the View Tab...Click radio button "Show hidden files, folders, and drives")<br />
<br />
Now navigate to the folder shown above. Note that the user name will not be my name but will be your user name and the long folder name follwing Backup will be a Guid (random number). If there is more than one GUID then choose the one with the latest date.<br />
<br />
Inside the folder you will find a listing of hundreds of files (especially if you have tried backing up in the past, successful or not.) Sort by date and look at the most recent files. (Note that you can do this while a backup is occuring, just make sure you do not try to open the most recent file as that is the one currently being written to.)<br />
<br />
If you double click on one of the MDINFO files listed under File Type you can find the out which file is being backed up. (Tell windows to open the file with your text editor Notepad. Be sure not to make any changes to this file. The MDINFO lists the file while the following MDDATA file contains the actual data being backed up. <br />
<br />
On my current backup (now running over 6 hours) I opened files randomly up through the listing until I found one that appeared over 5 1/2 hours of that 6 hour period (all other data was backed up in less that 30 minutes). Turned out it was the Zinio data (could be other applicaiton you your iPad. Every text item and every photo was being backed up separately. <br />
<br />
Example of Text File:<br />
bplist00Õ <br />
^StorageVersionXMetadataWVersion[AuthVersion[IsEncryptedS1.0O¸bplist00ÔTPathWVersionXGreylistVDomain_9Documents/Users/822511155/500431154/416122744/page206.pdfS3.0_AppDomain-com.zinio.ZinioiPad'.jno  ÂS3.0S1.0   " + 3 ? K O<br />
  <br />
<br />
Note the AppDomain-com.zinio.zinioPad at towards the end of the file. All MDINFO files have an indication in this area of the app or data being backed up.<br />
<br />
Unfortunately knowing all of this only provides you with information and very few options. 1) Delete the offending application. (Tested on Zinio by individuals elsewhere on Apple support forum)2) Just endure the long backup times until this is fixed. <br />
<br />
I have sent the above information to Zinio but have not received any response.<br />
<br />
Hope this helps.


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I am having the same problem too. I am soooo frustrated at Apple for making such a bad backup process. Furthermore, it's 2010, why do I even have to connect a cable to sync when the device has fast wireless? Wired sync is so passe, like Apple Newton, Palm, etc.

Anyway, JonB, thanks for your directions. I am at least tracking down the cause of the backup problem. Syfy reader was keeping all the old messages. Which is dumb since I cant even see them in the app anymore, why not delete them.


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