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iPad Backup Syncing taking Forever!

When my Google calendar app from Readdle had issues with multiple events (i cleaned up everything but couldn't get rid of multiple US holidays) in last upgrade this week I contacted the developer. That lead to uninstall from Ipad, reboot, uninstall from Itunes, rebuy/install and sync. I could not stop the backup (i thought in the pset I just clicked on the x at right to stop it on PC) so cancelled the sync. The last time I backed up for install of 4.2.1 I finally had to delete all my news apps, Zinio and similar to get a reasonably timed backup (I was getting 14-18 hurw and still ot backed up). I just didn't want to do that today so after cancelling I just tried a reinstall via Ipad and got a correct install without multiple events,

A little OT but know how frustrating those long backups are and I don't want to have to delete and reinstall a bunch of apps every time. What a pain. Is it the app developers at blame or the Ipad??


I can't be positive, but likely an App - and it might not be the ones that you think are to blame. I am constantly changing things around on my iPad (got the 16 Gb, and so am always running out of room), and sometimes backups are fast, and other times slower. But, who has time to see whether each app causes problems or not? There could be memory leaks, etc that would cause an app to cause slowdowns. I only use Pulse, and now the USA today app, but have no problems with that. Sometimes doing as back up / restore will help, but not always if the app is doing funny things, and since the app does not necessarily crash, no one knows (including the dev) that it is causing problems. Also, when I was jailbroken, there was slowdown then as well, but I know others that had no problems with jailbreaking causing slow downs.

If you have only few apps, and some time - you might try doing a new setup and then install one app at a time, and do a sync in between installing new apps (you have to unplug and then re-plug the ipad in). Then when things slow down, you likely have your culprit - yeah , I know - what a PITA!! I would only do this if I only had a few things.. Good luck.
backup last forewer

I have Ipad with only regular apps on it. Backup last about 10h for now. Still running. It is not appropriate. Standard usage of IPad can't corupt file?? Applications are from Appstore, notebook is MacBook Pro so ??
To all the posters on this thread, you should know something about modern software techniques (of which apparently Apple seems to know absolutely nothing about):
1. You see that little horizontal space at the top of iTunes? It's called a PROGRESS BAR! Its typical purpose everywhere except iTunes, is to indicate PROGRESS. What does Apple do? They insert a little wavy hash thingy that says only that Windows or MacOS is still letting the iTunes run (or else the wavy thing would stop waving). Otherwise, it indicates absolutely nothing that you care about.
2. What else is usually provided next to the PROGRESS BAR everywhere outside of iTunes? An indication of how long a task will take. 30 minutes? Cool. 3 hours? Outstanding. What do the clowns at Apple give you? Zip. Zero. Nada. Nothing. Might take 10 minutes... might take 3 days... beats us.
3. Backup software... everywhere outside of iTunes it provides not only a running indication of what's being backed up, but also gives you a way to decide what to backup (and how long it will take to backup) and what not to backup (and what it will save in time to not back it up). What do the brain surgeons at Apple give you? Oh, you're not possibly smart enough to figure out something so complicated, so go read a book, climb a mountain, or get a master's degree... we'll be back, ah, later.
4. What else have backup tools for the last, oh, 30 years given you? The choice between a complete backup and what's called an incremental backup (i.e. only backup what's new since the last backup). What does Apple give you? Excremental backup... because apparently that's what fills up the space in the brains of the programmers who wrote this nonsense.

So, this is 2011, folks. And Apple foisted this complete piece of garbage on several hundred million users and we roll over on our backs and beg for more. Meet Apple, the new Microsoft.
The Apple connector end of my synch cable is twice as "tall" as the ones that came with my iPod touch and Nano. I when I switched to that cable, the synch issues stopped.

I feel like a complete idiot, lol. I can't see any difference at all between these cables. They are identical! :P Well just the plug to the power outlet is different. Either ways, I always synch the iPadwith its own cable... And I tried fixing the problem like someone suggested, deleting everything and starting from scratch... It worked. It was a pain, but it worked. :/

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