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iPad Causes Ruckus in German Parliament


iPadForums News Team
Jun 7, 2010
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The iPad may be a slim, slight object, but it certainly manages to make a big noise for itself around the world. Now it’s been causing trouble in the German Bundestag, or parliament. Free Democrats Backbencher Jimmy Schulz kicked off the furore when he took his iPad to the stage to give a speech. Everything was going well until the iPad unexpectedly crashed in the middle of Schulz’s speech. This immediately alerted the assembled throng to the fact that he was using a digital device, which is not allowed in the Bundestag.

Apparently those on the more traditional side of things are saying that to use such new fangled things as the iPad takes away from the dignity of parliament. Jimmy Schulz countered by blowing the whistle big time on German Chancellor Merkel, saying that she and her cabinet colleagues can often be seen discreetly using their BlackBerrys during a debate.

“Even if it’s not allowed, most of us are doing it,†Schulz told Deutsche Welle. “And I was just the first one to use, well, a more appropriate media for that; a larger tool where you can read the things, and reply to emails better than what you can do with your smartphone.â€

Schulz also confessed that he’d only just purchased his iPad a couple of hours before he made his speech, and therefore didn’t really know how to use it.
The German Parliamentary Rules Committee is now debating whether or not to lift the ban on digital devices, so it could be Jimmy Schulz will soon be able to proudly wave his iPad around in public!

Source: Deutsche Welle
Personally, this seems pretty dumb that one cannot freely use their iPad in the German Parliament, but then again... what do I know? :)
A much important concern here is that... Why did the iPad crash? :D
The dignity of parliament........ptui!

The iPad didn't crash, he just pressed the wrong button :)
Huh, how cute..While the Russian leader Medvedev publicly admires Steve Jobs and the Apple corporation, and then boasts of being presented with new iPhone 4 by Jobs...the German puritanical parliament in all seriousness discusses whether digital devices will destroy its dignity...Oh those politicians...I don`t even know what`s funnier...LOL:D
It is just another poor example, how German government thinks and ruins the democracy and freedom in our beloved German nation.
Awesome story! Now he's in league with the PM of Norway.

Too bad Obama will never be allowed to use one... :p


Obama wouldn't know how to use one he said it himself:

As politicians go, President Obama has a reputation as a reasonably tech-savvy guy-or at least one with a deep-seated appreciation for his BlackBerry. But during thecommencement speech he gave on Sunday at Hampton University in Virginia, he sounded more like a technophobic old fogy:

You're coming of age in a 24/7 media environment that bombards us with all kinds of content and exposes us to all kinds of arguments, some of which don't always rank that high on the truth meter. And with iPods and iPads; and Xboxes and PlayStations - none of which I know how to work - (laughter) - information becomes a distraction, a diversion, a form of entertainment, rather than a tool of empowerment, rather than the means of emancipation. So all of this is not only putting pressure on you; it's putting new pressure on our country and on our democracy.

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