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Ipad Classes or Tips


iPF Noob
Just got this Ipad, I am sure I can do more with it than is obvious. Is there a site I can go to to get some lessons or tips and hints on using the Ipad. I have the book downloaded but laymans terms are always better. Even a book would be nice, Thanks!
I'd love tips and tricks too. This is my first iPad as well. I just want to see the iPads capabilities that may not be obvious.

How do you get movies on the iPad? This would be handy for travel with my 4 year old since her DVD player only lasts 3 hours
Apple stores give free iPad classes. You can even sign up online via Apple's website. Of course, the classes probably will be jammed short term as newbies get hold of iPads during the sales rush.
Me to! Mine won't be here until April, but I've been trying to get ready for it since I've never really played w/ an Apple product before.
Apple stores give free iPad classes. You can even sign up online via Apple's website. Of course, the classes probably will be jammed short term as newbies get hold of iPads during the sales rush.

The nearest Apple Store close to me is in Columbus 40 miles away. Not worth getting stabbed or shot over...LOL.
I downloaded appstart last year, they made it free at the launch of the ipad2, wouldn't be surprised if they do the same again this year.

Wouldn't mind going to an apple class to see if there isn't something really clever I've missed but they're always on at the wrong time for me!
Maybe we can help you here, that is the purpose of the forum after all.

One tip I would give.....don't pay anyone, everything you will need is available somewhere online for free.

The Archangel
dhevans_6 said:
I downloaded appstart last year, they made it free at the launch of the ipad2, wouldn't be surprised if they do the same again this year.

Wouldn't mind going to an apple class to see if there isn't something really clever I've missed but they're always on at the wrong time for me!

I just downloaded it.It's free again for a limited time.
I like the app iPad Secrets - tips and tricks. It has a free size and a paid app. However it hasn't been upgraded to 5.1 yet.
Nice, the apps mentioned here!!! I did a search for Ipad in Itunes and not much turned up. These are nice, might be all I need! Iphone too!! This forum rocks.
A simple hint: Create a folder and drop things like Settings, any system reporting app, speed test, network tools and drop it at the bottom of the screen.

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