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Ipad Classes or Tips

ipad classes

I've been teaching iPad classes in Minnesota for more than 2 years.

Yes, iPad classes are needed. Most people that respond to discussions like this one have no idea the problems ordinary people have using an iPad. It is a computer and all the problems for learners that implies.

They are virtually impossible to use competently without other computer experience. So please, don't embarrass people by saying how easy they are to use.

Many people in my classes didn't know what the iPad could do, just thought it would be easy to use. They are embarrassed like many on this forum must be.

If people have beginner questions, I will try to answer some of them. Have someone contact me Edited by Moderator - no social networking links, please read the forum rules.

Here's some starter answers.

1. If you're a real beginner, most video tutorials leave out so much you'll never get started. This includes YouTube and Apple videos.

2. iPads are so much like iPhones, I teach people how to use both, ask an experienced iPhone owner a question, most can help.

3. In spite of the common knowledge, with rare exceptions, children know "kids things" about tech. So based on many of my students reports, don't expect a child to help much.

4. If you're in the Minneapolis- St. Paul area you can find one of my classes. Otherwise, Apple has a service. You can visit an Apple store once a week for a year. Pay for it. Get as much one on one time as you have time for. The best in the store may be geniuses; but, I've found most of the people at the Apple store get it right more than 50% of the time. And, they are polite. Keep asking questions if you have to.

5. Your iPad or iPhone manual is NOT missing, it is the bottom entry on the bookmarks icon on Safari. Get a iPhone owner to show you.

6. iPads are capable of most computing jobs with the help of cloud services. (But, not the iCloud.)

7. Start with the apps that came with the iPad. Get someone with general internet knowledge to help you find and use the Apple support page for the iPad on a desktop. Apple videos show what each app does. They won't get you started, Apple leaves out too much for a beginner. At least you'll know what the app should do. Then, search bing or google using the the right terms and include iPad in each search. Example search for "ipad calendar" or "ipad Notes"

Good luck, see you on twitter.

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