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iPad died after battery ran out. Can put in DFU mode, but wont load firmware


iPF Noob
My iPad2 died after the battery ran out. Left on the charger for 8 hours, screen just stays black. iTunes doesnt recognize it, but when I put it in DFU mode, iTunes wants to restore it. But when I try its throwing that dreaded 3194 error.

Ive tried everything, tiny umbrella, editing host file, it just refuses.

I hate iTunes...... I really really hate it.

Does anyone have any suggestions?
nope... PWND DFU mode not on iPad2

This should help

Tried everything, used a fresh itunes install on another PC.

TinyUmbrella seems to get a tiny bit further, it just gets stuck on 'preparing iPad for restore' and then kicks out error 1601.

All the info I can find suggests I should put it into pwned DFU mode to resolve the problem, but as far as I can tell, this is not possible with an iPad2.

Anybody got any other suggestions? Or do I have an expensive paperweight now?

I will *never* buy another apple product.
OK Peter, sorry to hear that did not help. Don't go throwing your iPad away just yet. That could be a terrible waste
I'm now transferring you to the iPad Hacking section where you stand a better chance of resolving your problem than in the iPad3 forum.

Moderator Notice: This thread has been moved to the iPad Hacking section

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I reinstalled itunes, tried editing the hosts file and installed tinyumbrella, to no avail. Then I grabbed an unused work laptop, put a completely clean install of Win 7 on there, installed a fresh install of itunes, and tried. error 3194. tried editing the host file: error 3194. Ran the TinyUmbrella service: Its going! Its going! -> error 1601.
Tried different usb cable, tried different USB ports. **** all. Error 1601 with TU running, 3194 without it.

I then downloaded the latest Redsn0w, hoping to use its restore function. Even though I didn't have any SHSH blobs, I thought if I can only figure out which version was on there originally it should work! Downloaded EVERY version of ios 5, and every version of ios 6 just in case. It seemed to work with one or two, but it just hangs on 'please put your device in restore mode'. Even though itunes recognizes it as being in restore (well, DFU) mode.

As stated above, any freaking version. Ive tried every single version of ios 5, every single version of ios 6, and a couple of ios 4 in sheer desperation.

Any more tips? The closest Apple store is 2000km away by the way. Otherwise I probably would have tried to fix it by flinging it at random Apple employee's head.

Apple: not even once.

I would of course never hurt anyone. Except maybe Steve Jobs. Who, luckily, is very dead.
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I reinstalled itunes, tried editing the hosts file and installed tinyumbrella, to no avail. Then I grabbed an unused work laptop, put a completely clean install of Win 7 on there, installed a fresh install of itunes, and tried. error 3194. tried editing the host file: error 3194. Ran the TinyUmbrella service: Its going! Its going! -> error 1601.
Tried different usb cable, tried different USB ports. **** all. Error 1601 with TU running, 3194 without it.

I then downloaded the latest Redsn0w, hoping to use its restore function. Even though I didn't have any SHSH blobs, I thought if I can only figure out which version was on there originally it should work! Downloaded EVERY version of ios 5, and every version of ios 6 just in case. It seemed to work with one or two, but it just hangs on 'please put your device in restore mode'. Even though itunes recognizes it as being in restore (well, DFU) mode.

As stated above, any freaking version. Ive tried every single version of ios 5, every single version of ios 6, and a couple of ios 4 in sheer desperation.

Any more tips? The closest Apple store is 2000km away by the way. Otherwise I probably would have tried to fix it by flinging it at random Apple employee's head.

Apple: not even once.

I would of course never hurt anyone. Except maybe Steve Jobs. Who, luckily, is very dead.

ANY version isn't good enough. The ONLY version is 6.1.2. You mustn't try anything else and that will NEVER work using iTunes. Understand?

You are likely messing up the settings you need to install 6.1.2 by panicking and trying everything else. If you get a 3194 when you try and install 6.1.2 then you have messed up the hosts file. You need to get every reference to gs.apple.com removed from it, then try again.
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