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DFU Mode for Dummies

I need some help here, I'm already so pissed with this ipad, I'd had tried everything to restore this crap and every single attend ended with this stupid error: The iPad ïPad"could not be restored. An unknown error occurred (1604) and all the time tried give a different number.
Please any help will be greatly appreciated.

I'm assuming you have upgraded to iTunes 10.5 already. You must.

1) download the correct 5.0 firmware file to your desktop from a link in this thread - http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-hacking/24939-official-apple-ios-firmware-download-links-ipad.html
2) connect your iPad and put it into DFU mode using the instructions in this thread
3) open iTunes and shift-click (Windows) or option-click (OSX) on the "restore" button once it tells you it has found an iPad in recovery mode, and select the firmware file you downloaded in step 1.

You won't get a 1604 with this approach, but if you do still get an error you must post more details about your device, IOS version, and the specific error code. It should not be different every time!
I have one quick question; in the instructions it says "with the iPad connected to your computer and tur..." do you mean PLUGGED IN or the one that is authorized to your comp? Later in the instructions is says to actually plug it in, but I just want to check before I mess this up, lol.
I have one quick question; in the instructions it says "with the iPad connected to your computer and tur..." do you mean PLUGGED IN or the one that is authorized to your comp? Later in the instructions is says to actually plug it in, but I just want to check before I mess this up, lol.

Good spot. The post has been up since April! I've removed the second instruction as you are already connected / plugged in. I just mean the iPad must be connected to the PC via the cable to be able to activate DFU mode...

Please note, the guide has now been updated with additional information and a process to follow if you happen to have a broken button on your device which prevents you from entering DFU mode.
Ok, I'm in a little bit of a pickle. The usb port in my iPad doesn't seem to be working (recent problem, worked for weeks after jailbreaking, nothing new added...problem simply started one day). The computer will never recognize that it's connected to USB and the iPad doesn't recognize that a USB cord is plugged in. The only way to charge it is to turn it completely off, then plug it into the charger while the tablet is still off. This makes it charge (once it boots up) but the same fix doesn't work for connecting to a computer. So I've googled the problem and others have had a problem with the port itself. So I may need to go to Apple to have it checked. However, I cannot make the DFU tool work to get my iPad back to its unjailbroken state. Sooo, is there a way to activate DFU mode without the ability to connect to iTunes on my computer? Thanks!
Ok, I found this forum on here: http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-hacking/6312-restore-ipad-without-connective-computer-2.html. It seems to be the same problem. My iPad is a first gen, and I'm not sure, but I feel like would be out of warranty at this point. Does anyone know what Apple would charge me for this? If it would be a large amount, I'm considering just leaving it the way it is and accepting that I will never again be able to sync it or charge it normally. I'm almost wishing I hadn't jailbroke it now; I bought it used and have only had it for a month. If anyone can give their input, I would appreciate it.
You won't be able to enter DFU mode without a working USB port. It relies on the data connection to enter DFU.

I'm pretty sure a repair will be a sizable charge, but you should probably take it to an Apple store to find out.

BEFORE you do, make sure you do the following. Whilst you don't have a warrantly, there is no harm in disgusing the jailbreak.

1. With the device charged, remove all the apps / themes / tweaks etc. which you have installed via Cydia. Make sure it looks like a normal unjailbroken device.
2. Stick the Cydia icon away in a folder somewhere that won't be seen unless someone trawls though all your folders (A genius won't do that).
3. Hold home and power for 30 seconds. This should place the device into recovery mode (even without a working port). You should see the "connect to iTunes" graphic on screen. Don't let go of the buttons until you see this graphic.

Return the device to the store in this state. A genius will connect it to their PC and see it is not working properly. They will then quote you for a repair, and you can choose what to do.

Oh, and IMHO, your jailbreak has nothing to do with this at all. It's just bad luck that the age and wear has eventually caused the 30 pin connector to fail. It happens on old devices. Nothing to do with the software you have installed, including the JB.

Hope that helps. Good luck.
Thanks, f4780y, and sorry I haven't had time to reply until now. I will try those steps this week. Two quick related questions: will I be able to reinstall paid apps without repurchasing (I bought two apps while JB'en) and how many levels of folders do you think will be sufficient to hide Cydia? And I do think you are right that my jailbreak had nothing to do with the port not working, like I said it just randomly happened, wasn't right after a new tweak or anything like that...I just hate my luck.
No bother.

Purchased apps NEVER have to be re-purchased. Once you own them you own them. Jailbreaking makes no difference. If it did, it would be utterly pointless and we wouldn't do it!

And just put it in a folder and don't sweat it. No "layers" required. A genius will not and should not forensically study your springboard for any reason whatsoever. Just put it out of sight. Don't sit it next to the Setting app which is exactly what the Genius will head for! Use your common sense :)

And remember you don't have any warranty to lose in the first place. You are really just getting it out of the way so it doesn't distract the genius from their day job ;)
A bit of a noob here. Appreciate any help.
I have a ipad 1, which was jailbroken a long time ago, but now i want to restore it (to IOS 5.1.1 - which I presume I can use to JB again later?).
I followed your instructions and got all the way to the end and got an itunes error (1600). Tried again, but same error.

I haven't saved shsh blobs with TU (I tried but it didn't recognize the ipad). However, the original cydia screen showed on the top "SHSH: ios 3.2, 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 4.2.1, 4.2b3, 4,3, 4.3.2, 4.3.3, 5.1.1.". So i'm assuming cydia has saved these?

Any help to restore to 5.1.1 as continue to get error 1600?

Current ipad - first gen 64gb
Current version - 3.2 (7B637)
Model - MB294LL

Using iTunes ver 10.7
and restoring to ios 5.1.1

Many thanks

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