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Ipad Killers? What do you think?

I looked at a lot of Android tablets and neither the hardware (by a long way) or the software seem to measure up to the iPad.
I'm buying a slyvania android tablet for my girlfriend, it is 129.99. She doesn't like the size of the iPad and she doesn't care much for games but she wants some apps and to be able to surf the Internet, so a small android tablet is perfect for her.
Every tablet has pros/cons it all depends on what the person thinks and wants.
The best thing I like about the ipad is the freedom it gives me to have an open sort of 3g service. I can close it whenever I like and subscribe whenever I like without having to be under contract.

From what I have seen the other tabs does not have this kind of plan. Anyone who has it, is this the case?
One thing I will say, everyone says they like the iPad because of smooth and fluid everything is. While this is very tre, I would gladly sacrifice buttery smooth scrolling for increased functionality. That's where Android comes in, just not yet, as I'm waiting for 3.0 in a few months.
I'm buying a slyvania android tablet for my girlfriend, it is 129.99. She doesn't like the size of the iPad and she doesn't care much for games but she wants some apps and to be able to surf the Internet, so a small android tablet is perfect for her.
Every tablet has pros/cons it all depends on what the person thinks and wants.

Don't do it....It is garbage! I bought one for my 3 year old son..The resistive screen sucks..battery life is horrible..It's very sluggish.

This comment is not about Android guys it is about poor hardware being released with OS that is not yet working fully and the negative effect on future sales of quality products.
The problem is going to be and already has started is that every manufacture many no one has heard of want to build tablets and run android os unfortunately they are coming to the market too early and trying to capitalize on xmas sales to try and gain market share. Many will fall by the wayside and regretfully a lot of people will get hurt either lack of on going support or no upgrades however big companies like Samsung, Acer, Rim, Sony and of course others will survive but even then many models will come and go. The fact is as Super Bike stated not until v3 of the Android OS and in addition solid designs become available that have good Quality Control added features that work and good support should any one really go out and buy.
Samsung galaxy looks good but in saying that we have a similar tablet called Telstra T tab 7" tablet (unsure of original manufacture) that we sell we have had 4 in stock and sold one only in 2 months where as iPads are selling daily. Most people it seems are not overall impress with the size of it and also the weight and further more battery life is poor. It sells for $299 prepay for G3 50% less than the entry level iPad
This is from a Telstra employee whom purchased one
Quote(I was very disapointed with the touch screen. Its sensitivity was quite poor. The battery life was very bad as well. I bought mine on the 1st day they came out and returned it a few days later. I wasn’t happy with it at all.).

If any one wants to read the review I am happy to provide the links just pm me.

The problem I see it is premature release using an older version of android. For the record telsta is the largest phone company in Australia.
The headache will be when the right tablet comes along with say Android 3 running a lot of customers may think twice because so many failed prior regardless of manufacture.

My thought is that the Australian Market is accepting the Apple iPad, iPhones etc more than alternatives but I could be wrong. Oh also net book sales dropped at our location 60% again It looks like the ipad sales are affecting those sales. Any way just a comment. My recommendation is do your research before you buy. Read reviews search the net etc and then make a decision. Cost of ownership and customer satisfaction in my opinion at least is more important than price. In other words you may have to pay a bit more for a product to get what you really want.
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The problem I see it is premature release using an older version of android. For the record telsta is the largest phone company in Australia.
The headache will be when the right tablet comes along with say Android 3 running a lot of customers may think twice because so many failed prior regardless of manufacture.

This is the problem, these no-name companies are releasing budget model tablets and all they end up doing is selling a few thousand and sour the market for the people who bought into them. These companies are going to make it hard for the good quality tablets to change the opinion of people who are basing their judgement of Android tablets on the models currently available.
The Australian Telstra t tab is a rebadged Huawei's SmaKit S7 running Android 2.1 same as I believe that Best Buy USA is selling
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There's no such thing as an iPad killer, IMO. The iPad is already embedded so much into the tablet culture that no new product is going to "kill" it or supplant it. What I would like to see is one that competes with it without having to rely on the clunky Android platform.

P.S. And I totally agree with Superbike81. Everyone wants a slice of the tablet business. Why wouldn't they? Apple sold like, a zillion of them. I'm just not seeing anything on the market yet that competes.
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