No one said you joined the cult! Haha. And definitely agree that any one gadget will not please everyone.
I think that what probably come across from my thoughts on Apple may seem like I dislike the company but in reality that's not true. I just think the way they market themselves makes me cringe sometimes but am in awe of the balls they have to do so.
So I like the iPad on the whole, but it certainly has some pretty big flaws. Ditto for Android. Unlike you I cant fully isolate myself in evaluating a product without evaluating the company that puts out said product. For me, Apple products embody everything the company is about. Ditto Android for Google.
Ive worked in marketing all my life, first for government, then for some of the biggest tech companies in the world, and now the dark and murky financial services sector
For me, the way a company communicates is of vital importance in the way they are perceived. I hope that's a given in this day and age where transparency is key and shareholder value is paramount.
Apple is what I think is the exception to the rule when it comes to companies creating positive public image. It's suspect business practices are legion and it's arrogance in consistently calling a spade a self-powered pneumatic digging device, jarring. So when I evaluate the iPad I end up thinking about this and it ends up being integral to how I feel about the iPad. I also resent Google for constantly telling us Android is a brave new world of open source mobile OS. It's not. Many parts of it are closed source.
In the end I dont like companies that dont tell the truth. It either tells me they are hiding something awful or they have a disregard for the intelligence of their consumers. For me Apple does really think Im stupid when they bring in things like "an improved notifications system" in the upcoming iOS 5 and market it like it's revolutionary. Ditto for things like Facetime. Please Apple, just call it for what it is.
The glory should be for those companies that really innovate but dont get much in the way of praise or recognition. Let's face it, OSX is a Unix derivative and much of what we see as great functions on that platform are all innovations of Linux. It's just packaged differently.
Just because you take something and make it slightly easier to use doesnt make you an innovator. Rather, in my mind, Apple is huge marketing outfit and in some ways one of the greatest abusers of the art.
Sorry I've gone off on a tangent again