Unlike you I cant fully isolate myself in evaluating a product without evaluating the company that puts out said product. For me, Apple products embody everything the company is about. Ditto Android for Google.
Ive worked in marketing all my life, first for government, then for some of the biggest tech companies in the world, and now the dark and murky financial services sectorFor me, the way a company communicates is of vital importance in the way they are perceived. I hope that's a given in this day and age where transparency is key and shareholder value is paramount.
Actually, I mentioned early in the thread that I dislike some of Apple's business practices, so I'd prefer to switch to Android. But like most people, I tend to look out for my own needs first, so I won't buy a stunted Android tab just to avoid Apple. When tablets reach a certain baseline for my uses, I'll switch. That's also what you've done by buying an iPad and holding out on an Android tablet, as far as what you've shared, so I think were agreeing in practice.
As for marketing, there's not much of it that I trust. I might read up on what a company says, but I verify the best I can if I'm to spend money. Marketing is the practice of putting the best spin on your product or service, and I understand its role, but do not believe that any company is fully transparent.
No companies are clean or flawless, and I can think of plenty reasons to avoid Google, Samsung, etc., too. But it's a matter of the less of the evils, as long as their products actually work for me, lol.